How to Find the Best Meditation Guide

If you’re having trouble finding a meditation guide that suits your needs, here are some suggestions: Calm, UCLA Mindful, Headspace, The Honest Guys, and The Buddha App. Try one or all to find a perfect meditation experience. You can also look for reviews of these guided meditation programs to see which one is best for you. We have personally used many of these programs and can highly recommend them. If you’re unsure about which guided meditation you should try, read on to discover the best ones.


If you’d like to learn how to meditate, the Calm app provides you with a variety of meditation methods, including guided meditations. The app features an expert guide and hundreds of meditations, including open-ended sessions. Whether you’re looking to relax your mind or overcome stress and anxiety, Calm has a meditation for you. If you subscribe to the free version, you’ll find a podcast and newsletter to help you along the way.

There’s a free version of Calm, as well, which contains tons of helpful meditations. If you’re a skeptic, the free version has the same benefits as the premium program. Calm is a one-stop-shop for mental health, teaching you how to relax, reduce stress, improve your sleep, and check your emotions. You’ll learn how to meditate for a variety of different goals, from improving your sleep to reducing anxiety.

The Calm app offers customizable settings for each session, as well as a history of previous sessions. You can access guided meditations on your mobile device, as well as desktop. You can also explore the Calm app’s many features and activities. Each day, Calm releases a new meditation of 10 minutes, with the intention of educating you on the concepts of mindfulness. If you’re a beginner, it’s a great way to get started with mindfulness meditation.

UCLA Mindful

The UCLA Mindful Awareness Research Center has created a free app for the iPhone and iPad that teaches mindfulness meditation. This program aims to bring mindfulness teachings to a broad audience by making it accessible and easy to use. Developed by the Mindful Awareness Research Center, the app has translations in Arabic, Farsi, Chinese, Hebrew, Korean, Russian, Spanish, and American Sign Language. These programs are free to use, but they are not intended to be used as clinical treatments.

The UCLA Mindful meditation guided app features a dozen sessions for all skill levels. You can choose to meditate in English, Spanish, or both. The app has audio recordings of ten to thirty minutes. Each meditation focuses on a different aspect of mindfulness, such as your breath, body, sounds, or cultivating loving-kindness. Depending on your needs, each session will last anywhere from three to 19 minutes. You can listen to a recording of a recent mindfulness expert’s talk before starting the meditation.

You can also learn about the benefits of mindfulness through guided imagery. This type of meditation uses the mind to focus on positive images to promote relaxation. It can be used as a complement to traditional medicine. It’s also easy to do and can be practiced whenever you need it. It’s a great way to start the practice of mindful meditation. Just remember to use it every day. You will find that it will only improve your quality of life.


One of the main reasons people meditate is to get better sleep. Considering that fifty percent of the population struggles with insomnia, Headspace’s sleep content is invaluable. The Sleepcasts feature audio tours of fictional worlds mixed with white noise. Nighttime guided meditations include relaxing visualizations and short breathing exercises. The app also offers a sleep radio, which features eight hours of soothing sounds. It’s not hard to find a meditation to fit your busy lifestyle.

If you’re unsure about the best meditation app for you, start with a free trial. Headspace has a wide range of free guided meditations available on its app, ranging from five to twenty minutes. Many are available on headphones. Fortunately, the Headspace app includes both headphones and earbuds for your convenience. It also lets you save your sessions to Apple Health. The free trial period is only available for 30 days.

The free trial is only available for the Headspace app for 30 days after signing up for a subscription. After the trial period, you’ll have to sign up for a payment plan or purchase unlimited access, which can be difficult for some users. However, Headspace’s “Daily” meditation lasts for 10 minutes, which is more than enough for most people. Sleep Stories, on the other hand, can last up to an hour, making them ideal for a more intensive meditation practice.

The Honest Guys

One of the most popular meditation leaders on the internet is The Honest Guys. In fact, their YouTube channel has more than one million subscribers. Their videos feature meditations, guided imagery, and fantasy visualizations. Their videos also feature comments left by viewers, including strangers who wish you happiness and pray for your wellbeing. Their videos are a perfect way to relax and experience a more positive state of mind. But what makes The Honest Guys the best?

The audio quality of The Honest Guys is excellent. There are good-quality recordings of the meditations, with slow music playing in the background. They are short and easy to listen to, and feature a gentle voice. One meditation features a relaxing scene of a beach, with a bonfire in the background. Another meditation features a positive affirmation. Another one is called Sleepio, and it’s designed for those who need to improve their sleep.

Another great meditation is “Floating amongst the stars,” a 60-minute meditative session featuring soothing music and deep, calming imagery. This is one of the best meditation guided videos for sleeping, as it allows you to fully relax, without the distractions of everyday life. The Honest Guys’ videos are free on YouTube, but if you’re interested in a longer meditation, you can watch the videos they’ve posted.

Marisa Peer

Are you interested in discovering the benefits of meditation and finding the best guided meditation audio tracks? If so, Marisa Peer’s guided meditation audio tracks can help. Her method of hypnosis can open up your mind to deeper insights. This audio track takes you on a journey into your own mind. This meditation audio guide will lead you to a calm and peaceful state where you will be able to listen to your inner thoughts and relax.

The first thing you will need to know about Marisa Peer is that she has extensive experience in the field of hypnosis. Her mastery of the practice of hypnosis is legendary and she has been recognized as the best British therapist by Men’s Health. She has worked with royalty, Hollywood actors, Olympic athletes, CEO’s of multi-billion dollar companies, and even political leaders. Her Abundant Life membership includes a variety of audios from which you can choose the one that best suits you.

Rick Clarke

If you are looking for a guided meditation that will help you calm your mind and get rid of your anxiety, then this audio is for you. Rick Clarke’s soothing voice will guide you through the process of autogenic meditation, which can be an effective way to manage panic attacks. You will find yourself calming down and experiencing fewer anxiety attacks when you listen to this audio. And if you’ve ever had a panic attack, you can apply the techniques in this audio to your anxiety and reduce its symptoms.

For a guided meditation, you should be in complete peace with your surroundings. Using your breath, focus on the sound of chimes, and take deep breaths, you will soon be able to relax completely. After a while, you will begin to hear waves and chimes, which will further ease your mind. At the end, you can continue relaxing or drift off to sleep. If you prefer a non-guided meditation, you can also check out Rick Clarke’s other offerings.

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  • James Quinto

    James is a content creator who works in the personal development niche. Quinto James

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About the Author: James Quinto

James is a content creator who works in the personal development niche.