151st Birth Anniversary Celebrations of Lalaji Maharaj | 3rd Feb 2024 | 9 AM IST | Daaji | Kanha

151st Birth Anniversary Celebrations of Lalaji Maharaj | 3rd Feb 2024 | 9 AM IST | Daaji | Kanha

We are delighted to invite all of you to join us in celebrating the 151st Birth Anniversary of Lalaji Maharaj on 3rd February 2024. The grand event will commence at 9 AM IST and will be graced by the presence of Daaji and Kanha. Together, we will honor the remarkable life and teachings of Lalaji Maharaj, a spiritual luminary and a guiding light for many. Join us as we pay homage to his legacy and seek inspiration from his profound wisdom. Let’s come together in unity to commemorate this momentous occasion.


Welcome to the 151st Birth Anniversary Celebrations of Lalaji Maharaj! We are thrilled to invite you to this auspicious occasion, which will be held on the 3rd of February 2024 at 9 AM IST. This is a momentous event where we commemorate the life and teachings of Babuji Maharaj and Lalaji Maharaj, two great spiritual leaders who have had a profound impact on the world.

At this year’s celebrations, we have two batches available to accommodate as many participants as possible. The first batch will take place on the 3rd of February, while the second batch will be on a different date. This way, you can choose the one that fits your schedule and make sure you don’t miss out on this extraordinary experience.

Why Should You Attend?

  1. Immerse Yourself in Spiritual Teachings: The Birth Anniversary Celebrations of Lalaji Maharaj is a unique opportunity to delve into the wisdom of these revered masters. Daaji, the Global Guide of Heartfulness, will share profound insights and guide us through meditation sessions that can help us deepen our connection with our inner selves.

  2. Free Meditation Session: When you attend the Birth Anniversary Celebrations, you can also book a free meditation session with Daaji and other experienced trainers. Immerse yourself in the serenity of Heartfulness Meditation and discover the transformative effects it can have on your life.

  3. Expand Your Knowledge: Subscribe to our newsletter to learn more about Heartfulness Meditation and receive regular updates on upcoming events, workshops, and retreats. It’s a fantastic way to stay connected and deepen your understanding of this powerful practice.

  4. Heartfulness App: Download the Heartfulness App to have access to guided meditation sessions, relaxation techniques, and other resources that can support your journey towards inner peace and balance.

  5. Books and Resources: Explore our collection of books, including “Spiritual Anatomy” and “The Authentic Yoga.” These books offer profound insights into the spiritual path and can guide you towards a deeper understanding of yourself and the world around you.

  6. Find a Meditation Center: Discover the Heartfulness Institute, trainers, and meditation centers near you. Connect with like-minded individuals and participate in regular meditation gatherings to enhance your practice.

  7. Support Conservation Efforts: By donating to the Heartfulness Initiative, you are contributing to the conservation of tree species in India. Your support plays a crucial role in protecting the environment for future generations.

  8. Books by Daaji: Check out the best-selling book “The Heartfulness Way” and “Designing Destiny” by Daaji. These books offer valuable insights and practical guidance on living a heart-centered life.

  9. Heartfulness Magazine: Access Heartfulness Magazine through digital and print subscriptions. Dive into articles, interviews, and stories that inspire and uplift your spirit.

  10. Stay Connected: Follow Heartfulness on social media platforms to stay updated with the latest news, events, and inspirational content. Connect with a global community of seekers who are on the path to self-discovery.

  11. Online Store: Visit our online store for India, where you can find a wide range of Heartfulness-related products, including books, meditation aids, and accessories.

  12. Contact Us: For more information or any queries, please feel free to reach out to us via email or our toll-free numbers. Our team is here to assist you and provide you with the information you need.


The 151st Birth Anniversary Celebrations of Lalaji Maharaj is a momentous event that offers you an opportunity to connect with your spiritual essence and delve deep into the teachings of Babuji Maharaj and Lalaji Maharaj. By attending this event, you can experience the transformative power of Heartfulness Meditation and gain invaluable insights to enhance your spiritual journey.

Don’t miss out on this incredible event! Join us on the 3rd of February 2024 at 9 AM IST. Book your spot, immerse yourself in the teachings, and embrace the path to self-discovery and inner peace.


  1. What is Heartfulness Meditation?
    Heartfulness Meditation is a simple and effective technique that helps individuals connect with the source of light and love within themselves. It involves gently focusing on the heart and allowing the mind to naturally experience inner stillness and peace.

  2. How can I book a spot for the Birth Anniversary Celebrations?
    To book a spot for the Birth Anniversary Celebrations, visit our website and follow the registration process. Choose the desired batch and provide the required information to secure your participation.

  3. Can I attend both batches of the Birth Anniversary Celebrations?
    Yes, you are welcome to attend both batches of the Birth Anniversary Celebrations if your schedule permits. We encourage participants to experience the event in its entirety and benefit from the powerful teachings and meditations.

  4. Are the meditation sessions suitable for beginners?
    Yes, the meditation sessions are suitable for beginners as well as experienced practitioners. Our trainers will guide you through the practices, ensuring that you feel comfortable and supported throughout the process.

  5. How can I donate to the Heartfulness Initiative?
    To donate to the Heartfulness Initiative and support the conservation of tree species in India, visit our website and follow the donation process. Your contribution will help us in our mission to protect the environment and create a sustainable future.


  • James Quinto

    James is a content creator who works in the personal development niche.

    https://quietmeditations.com james.quinto@quietmeditations.com Quinto James

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About the Author: James Quinto

James is a content creator who works in the personal development niche.