5 Calming Exercises to Help You Relieve Stress

Taking part in calming exercises can help you to relax and increase your sense of calmness. It can also help you to reduce your stress, anxiety, and anger. The exercises you can do include:

Imaginary travel

Imaginary travel isn’t a new concept, but a new name for the traditional vacation. While the traditional vacation requires you to make it to the destination, the mental vacation eliminates the hassles of travel. It’s an ideal way to unwind during any time of the year. You can even do it in your living room. It’s a great choice for those of us who are stuck on the home front, or in the throes of the office cubicle.

In fact, the best part is you don’t have to go anywhere. It’s an all-in-one experience that is sure to get your mind off the drudgery of the day-to-day grind. It’s the perfect antidote to any stress you might have been harbouring. The benefits are many: a virtual trip to faraway lands, a stress-free trip home, and the opportunity to relax with friends and family.

Deep breathing

Using Deep Breathing as a calming exercise can be useful for anyone who is feeling stressed. Studies have found that people who regularly practice deep breathing can experience fewer feelings of anxiety and stress, lower blood pressure and increase their ability to think clearly.

Deep Breathing can help reduce feelings of anxiety because it can reset the body’s nervous system to a more relaxed state. This is a result of the stimulation of the vagus nerve, which runs from the brain stem to the abdomen. When the vagus nerve is stimulated, it tells the brain to calm. This is known as the vagus effect.

One study suggests that practicing Deep Breathing may help you sleep better. Participants who completed breathing exercises before bed experienced a three times longer night’s sleep.

Progressive muscle relaxation

Practicing Progressive muscle relaxation during calming exercises can help you to relax and relieve stress. It can also improve your sleeping pattern, and relieve tension headaches. It is a very simple, yet very effective, technique that can be taught to nearly anyone.

Progressive muscle relaxation is a calming technique that works by tensing and relaxing each muscle group in the body. It is done by alternating tension and relaxation in a specific order. The sequence often starts with the neck and moves down the body to the feet.

To practice Progressive muscle relaxation, begin by squeezing the muscles in the forehead, upper arms, and back of the thighs. Holding the muscles for five to six seconds is recommended.

Progressive muscle relaxation is often performed in conjunction with breathing exercises. These exercises help you to become more aware of your body, and to learn about the muscles that are stressed.


Practicing mindfulness-based calming exercises is a way to reduce stress and improve your health. It can be easy to incorporate into your routine. These activities can also help you to feel more present in your life.

Some formal practices of mindfulness include meditation, yoga, and mindful movement. All of these activities help you to engage with the world around you. They also reduce stress and muscle tension.

Mindfulness-based calming exercises may be useful for anxiety, pain, and depression. They are also helpful for coping with chronic illness.

The three-minute breathing space exercise is a meditation exercise that helps you expand your awareness of your breath. The exercise involves three steps: breath, thoughts, and movement. The breathing exercise is one of the central elements of the MBCT program.

When you are practicing mindfulness-based calming exercises, you should aim to do them on a regular basis. It can be difficult to begin, but you may find that it becomes easier with practice.

Stress busting exercises

Using stress busting exercises is a good way to boost your fitness and mental health. There are many forms of exercise and you should find one that you enjoy doing. Whether it is yoga, boxing, swimming, or dancing, these activities will help you stay fit and feel good.

Exercise can help you to lower your blood pressure, lower your stress level, and even help you to sleep better. Physical activity also releases endorphins into the bloodstream which are feel-good neurotransmitters. These feel-good chemicals make you feel better and boost your immune system.

There are many stress-busting exercises to choose from, but you should choose the one that gets you off the couch. You can choose a fun activity, such as cycling, running, or walking, or choose something more serious, such as Pilates.

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About the Author: James Quinto

James is a content creator who works in the personal development niche.