68th Birthday Celebration of Daaji | 28th Sept 2023 | 6 pm IST | Daaji | Heartfulness | Kanha

68th Birthday Celebration of Daaji | 28th Sept 2023 | 6 pm IST | Daaji | Heartfulness | Kanha

Daaji, a renowned spiritual master and the guiding force behind the Heartfulness movement, is about to celebrate his 68th birthday on the 28th of September 2023 at 6 pm IST. With a profound impact on countless lives, Daaji’s teachings and wisdom have touched the hearts of people from all walks of life. In this blog post, we will delve into the details of this momentous occasion, as we join Daaji and the Heartfulness community in honoring a life dedicated to spreading love, peace, and inner transformation. Join us as we take a closer look at the remarkable journey of Daaji and the significant role of Kanha, the location of this extraordinary celebration.


In this article, we will take a closer look at the upcoming 68th birthday celebration of Pujya Daaji, the spiritual guide of Heartfulness meditation. The event is set to take place on September 28th, 2023, at 6 pm IST. Joining thousands of practitioners from around the world, this celebration promises to be a memorable occasion. In this review, we will explore the various aspects of Heartfulness and its connection to this special event.

The Heartfulness App: Your Gateway to a Meditative Journey

One of the key components of Heartfulness is the Heartfulness app, available for download on both iOS and Android devices. This powerful app provides a comprehensive platform for practitioners to enhance their meditation practice. It enables users to access guided meditation sessions, explore a library of resources, and participate in live meditation sessions facilitated by Daaji himself. The app offers a user-friendly interface and ensures a seamless experience for individuals seeking to connect with their inner selves.

Heartfulness Meditation: A Practice for All

Heartfulness meditation is open to everyone, regardless of their background or beliefs. This scientifically-backed method is taught by certified trainers who offer their services free of charge. These trainers can be found across various Heartspots, which are meditation centers dedicated to promoting the practice of Heartfulness. Through this practice, individuals can experience profound inner peace and tap into the limitless potential within themselves.

The Heartfulness Way: A Bestseller

If you’re interested in delving deeper into the philosophy of Heartfulness, “The Heartfulness Way” is a must-read. Written by Daaji, this thought-provoking book has gained recognition as an Amazon bestseller. It provides valuable insights into the practice of Heartfulness, offering readers a roadmap to attain inner transformation and mindfulness. To embark on your Heartfulness journey, “The Heartfulness Way” is a valuable companion.

Heartfulness Magazine: A Source of Inspiration

For those seeking continuous inspiration and guidance, Heartfulness Magazine is a valuable resource. Available in both digital and print formats, this monthly publication covers a wide range of topics related to spirituality, inner growth, and personal development. With contributions from renowned experts in their respective fields, Heartfulness Magazine serves as a compass to navigate the ever-evolving world of meditation and mindfulness.

Heartfulness Centers: Sacred Spaces for Practice

Kanha Shanti Vanam and SRCM Heartfulness Meditation Centre are two prominent Heartfulness centers that provide dedicated spaces for practitioners. These centers offer meticulously designed environments that facilitate deep meditation and self-reflection. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced meditator, visiting these centers can enhance your practice and allow you to connect with like-minded individuals on the spiritual path.

Heartfulness and Social Media: Staying Connected

To stay updated with the latest news, events, and teachings of Heartfulness, following their social media accounts is highly recommended. Heartfulness can be found on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn, where regular updates and valuable insights are shared. By becoming part of the Heartfulness community online, you’ll have the opportunity to engage with practitioners from all over the world and expand your understanding of this transformative practice.

Global Heartfulness Digital Store: A Treasure Trove of Resources

If you’re in search of books, guided meditation sessions, or other materials related to Heartfulness, the Global Heartfulness Digital Store is the place to go. Accessible at shriramchandramission.org/digitalstore, this online marketplace offers a wealth of resources to support your spiritual journey. You’ll find a variety of ebooks, audio recordings, and other items that can complement your meditation practice and deepen your understanding of Heartfulness.

HFN Life: An Exclusive Store for India

For those residing in India, HFN Life is an online store that caters specifically to the needs of Heartfulness practitioners. Offering a range of products, including incense, spiritual books, and meditation accessories, HFN Life ensures convenient access to essential items. By visiting their online store, you can find everything you need to create a serene and inspiring meditation space in the comfort of your own home.

Contacting Heartfulness: Connect with Ease

Should you have any inquiries or require further information about Heartfulness, contacting them is a breeze. You can reach out to Heartfulness through socialmedia@heartfulness.org via email. This dedicated communication channel ensures that your queries will be attended to promptly and with care. Additionally, if you’re based in India, you can call the toll-free number 1800 103 7726 to connect with a Heartfulness representative.


The 68th birthday celebration of Pujya Daaji promises to be a momentous occasion for Heartfulness practitioners all around the world. With a range of resources, including the Heartfulness app, Heartfulness Magazine, and the Global Heartfulness Digital Store, individuals have ample opportunities to deepen their meditation practice and explore the vast teachings of Heartfulness. The upcoming event invites us to celebrate the wisdom and guidance of Daaji, reminding us of the transformative power of meditation and the connection to our inner selves.


  1. When will Pujya Daaji’s 68th birthday be celebrated?
  2. How many batches of celebrations will take place for Pujya Daaji’s birthday?
  3. Where can I download the Heartfulness app?
  4. Are live meditation sessions with Daaji available?
  5. How can I find Heartfulness trainers and meditation centers?


  • James Quinto

    James is a content creator who works in the personal development niche.

    https://quietmeditations.com james.quinto@quietmeditations.com Quinto James

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About the Author: James Quinto

James is a content creator who works in the personal development niche.