Acceptance Meditation to Allow Self-Worth to Expand | Mindful Movement

Acceptance Meditation to Allow Self-Worth to Expand | Mindful Movement

Acceptance and unconditional self-love support an unshakable sense of self-worth. In a world of high expectations and pressure for success, who couldn’t use a bit more of these qualities?

If your inner judge or critic is present right now and blocking your sense of self-worth, this is the meditation practice for you. Use the awareness and acceptance of your breath, recognize signs of safety in your body, and let go of judgments to move you into a place of unconditional love for yourself.

//WORKSHOP: Build unshakable self-worth

Meditation written and read by Sara Raymond
Music Credit: Distant Dreams @Jason Stephenson – Sleep Meditation Music @Zen Royalty Free

Do not listen while driving. Meditation and mindful movement are powerful tools to support you. This is not a substitute for medical care. Consult a doctor or trusted health professional if needed.
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Acceptance and unconditional self-love Support an unshakable sense of Self-worth In a world of high expectations and Pressure for Success who couldn't use a Bit more of these qualities If your inner judge or critic is present Right now and blocking your sense of Self-worth This is the meditation practice for you Use the awareness and acceptance of your Breath Recognize signs of safety in your body And let go of judgments to move you into A place of unconditional love for Yourself Thank you for joining me here at the Mindful movement I'm Sarah Raymond I invite you to make yourself Comfortable Close your eyes or soften your gaze As you begin to settle in Become aware of your breath Just as it is Notice with curiosity All there is to notice About your breath Without the need to have it be something That is not already [Music] You may notice that as you focus on your Breath It naturally changes Allow this subtle shifting to happen

Automatically Now bring a bit more intention to this Practice And slow your breath down Your breath to be long in length Low in location [Music] Quiet and gentle As you can And invite your breath to be slow in Both your inhale And your exhale Continue to intentionally breathe like This Long low Quiet And slow [Music] Foreign And focus associated with your breath Now Begin to recognize any signs of safety Within you [Music] Whatever that means to you Foreign S are present that let you know you are Safe [Music] Let yourself know I am safe at this moment I love and accept myself fully and Completely Connect with the grounding Universal

Energy that is all around you Allow it to align you with your highest Self Foreign This balancing and healing Universal Energy And Center yourself That this experience Is in alignment with And in support of your highest good [Music] Bring your attention into your heart now Feel the energy of love Tell yourself I am enough [Music] I am worthy I am deserving Foreign I am important [Music] With love and acceptance in your heart It's time to let go of what is no longer Serving you Perhaps you are aware of patterns and Beliefs That did serve you They motivated you And they pushed you to achieve However Now they are creating suffering And draining your self-worth [Music] And you know it's time to let them go

Foreign Ly releasing Letting go of And freeing yourself from what you do Not need In your mind visualize a fire In a safe place [Music] Imagine placing a stick Representative of each negative belief You may have been carrying Place it into this fire with gratitude For how these aspects of yourself Have served you up to this point in your Life Let go of judgment Let go of criticism Let go of comparisons And let go of expectations Take a moment longer to release anything Else you are ready to let go of Foreign And now move into the energy of Acceptance Unconditional love And gratitude Let this energy Radiate outward and fill you up Become aware of your breath once more [Music] Take another long slow breath in And out Send your breath into your heart To make space for unconditional

Self-love and acceptance With one hand on your heart And one hand on your belly Tell yourself once more I am enough [Music] Worthy I am deserving Foreign I am important Let those statements of Truth Sink in And when you are ready Open your eyes Coming back to full awareness While remaining connected to Unconditional self-love and acceptance Thank you for practicing with me today If you would like a deeper dive into Building self-worth Consider joining me in the workshop to Build unshakable self-worth The details are on the screen now and in The description box


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About the Author: James Quinto

James is a content creator who works in the personal development niche.