CIVIL SERVICES DAY 2023 | Live Meditation With Daaji | 21 April 2023 | 5.45 PM IST | Hyderabad

CIVIL SERVICES DAY 2023 | Live Meditation With Daaji | 21 April 2023 | 5.45 PM IST | Hyderabad

Welcome to our blog dedicated to the upcoming Civil Services Day 2023! This much-awaited event promises to be an enriching experience for all attendees as it features a live meditation session with none other than Daaji. Join us on 21st April 2023 at 5.45 PM IST in Hyderabad, as we commemorate civil servants’ contributions to society and delve into the profound benefits of meditation. Keep reading for all the exciting details and how you can be a part of this unforgettable experience.


On April 21, 2023, the Civil Services Day event will take place in Hyderabad, and Daaji, the Global Guide of Heartfulness, will be hosting a live meditation session. This event presents a unique opportunity for the attendees to learn and practice Heartfulness Meditation – a technique that has been proven to promote physical, mental, and emotional well-being.

Heartfulness Meditation is gaining popularity worldwide, especially during the pandemic when people are looking for effective ways to manage stress and anxiety. In this article, we will explore what Heartfulness is and how it can benefit our lives, as well as highlight the various resources available to learn and practice Heartfulness Meditation.

What is Heartfulness Meditation?

Heartfulness Meditation is a practice that focuses on an individual’s inner self-awareness and self-regulation. It is a simple yet effective technique that involves tuning into our heart’s natural rhythm and allowing ourselves to be still, calm, and centered.

The practice is taught by trainers who have been trained by Daaji, who is the Fourth Global Guide of Heartfulness. The trainers guide the practitioners by providing them with suitable techniques to help them deepen their meditation practice.

Benefits of Heartfulness Meditation

Heartfulness Meditation has numerous benefits, both for physical and mental well-being. Some of these benefits include:

  1. Reduced stress and anxiety.
  2. Enhanced emotional stability.
  3. Improved focus and concentration.
  4. Increased energy levels.
  5. Better quality sleep.
  6. Enhanced immune system.
  7. Increased self-awareness and self-regulation.

Resources for Learning and Practicing Heartfulness Meditation

Heartfulness offers various resources that are easily accessible and can aid in the learning and practice of Heartfulness Meditation. Some of these resources include:

Heartfulness Meditation Sessions

Heartfulness offers free meditation sessions that are accessible to anyone worldwide. These sessions are guided by experienced trainers who teach in a calm and centered manner.

Heartfulness Magazine

Heartfulness Magazine is a publication that offers articles, poetry, and other material that is spiritually motivated. It is available in print and digital subscriptions and offers content that is unique and insightful.

Heartfulness App

The Heartfulness App is available on Android and iOS, making it easy to access Heartfulness content on-the-go. The app offers guided meditations, relaxation techniques, and other resources aimed at promoting well-being.

Books by the Heartfulness Institute

The Authentic Yoga is a book that introduces the practice of Heartfulness Meditation. It is available on Amazon India and USA as an excellent resource for those interested in learning more about the practice.

Heartfulness and the Environment

Heartfulness advocates for conservation and encourages the planting of endemic and endangered tree species in India. The organization has also started an online store dedicated to environmentally-friendly products –


Heartspots is an online directory that locates Heartfulness trainers and centers around the globe.

Contact Heartfulness

For more information on Heartfulness Meditation, contact or call India toll-free at 1800 103 7726, or US/Canada at 1844 879 4327.


In conclusion, Heartfulness Meditation is a simple yet effective technique that can greatly benefit physical, mental, and emotional well-being. The upcoming Civil Services Day event in Hyderabad presents an opportunity for attendees to learn and practice Heartfulness Meditation, facilitated by Daaji, the Global Guide of Heartfulness.

To learn more about Heartfulness, there are various resources available, such as Heartfulness Meditation sessions, Heartfulness Magazine, the Heartfulness App, and books by the Heartfulness Institute. Heartfulness also advocates for conservation and has started an online store dedicated to environmentally-friendly products, Heartspots is an excellent resource for finding Heartfulness trainers and meditation centers globally.


  1. Is Heartfulness Meditation a religion?
    No, Heartfulness Meditation is not a religion. It is a technique that can be practiced by anyone, regardless of their philosophical or religious beliefs.

  2. How long do I need to meditate to experience the benefits of Heartfulness?
    There is no fixed time for meditation. Some Heartfulness practitioners meditate for as little as 10 minutes a day, while others devote an hour or more to their practice.

  3. Are Heartfulness Meditation sessions free?
    Yes, Heartfulness Meditation sessions are free of charge and accessible to everyone globally.

  4. Can Heartfulness Meditation be practiced by children?
    Yes, Heartfulness Meditation can be practiced by children. There are specific techniques designed for children to help them start and deepen their meditation practice.

  5. Can Heartfulness Meditation be practiced with others?
    Yes, Heartfulness Meditation can be practiced individually or in a group setting. Group meditation is often favored by practitioners as it can deepen the experience and can be a helpful motivator for beginners.


  • James Quinto

    James is a content creator who works in the personal development niche. Quinto James

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About the Author: James Quinto

James is a content creator who works in the personal development niche.