Deep Breathing Exercises For Smokers to Prevent COPD

If you smoke, you are at risk for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), a lung condition that makes it difficult to move air through your lungs. This condition can lead to coughing, wheezing, shortness of breath, and even a dry cough. Fortunately, there are ways to prevent it.

One way to prevent COPD is to quit smoking. While quitting may not stop the symptoms entirely, it does limit the damage. And, it reduces the risk of heart attack, stroke, and lung cancer. The best time to start is within eight hours of your last cigarette.

As you quit, your blood pressure drops, as does your heart rate. Your circulation improves after an hour, as your body begins to use oxygen again. Eventually, your arteries expand and your chances of a stroke decrease.

You also may have a greater chance of getting colds and respiratory infections. When you are a smoker, your cilia – small hairs that line the airways and sweep irritants out of the lungs – are damaged. After years of exposure to the chemicals in cigarettes, the cilia may be shortened.

Having COPD is a serious problem. It can be treated with medication. However, the symptoms take several years to appear. That means that most people will not be diagnosed until they have had the disease for several years. Getting an early diagnosis can help limit the damage to your lungs.

People with this condition also have thicker mucus. Mucus is used to trap irritants and protect the lung tissue. The thicker the mucus, the harder it is to cough up. So if you are a smoker, watch for these signs and seek medical advice.

Another sign of recovery is increased exercise. In addition to exercising regularly, you should take lots of walks and go on nature walks. Exercise is good for your mental health, as it helps reduce stress. Also, you should eat a vegetable-based diet and avoid processed foods and oils. A veggie-based diet is rich in vitamin C and beta carotene, which are beneficial for your immune system.

As you work to quit smoking, it can be a good idea to engage in guided imagery. Guided imagery is a meditation technique that involves creating a visual image of what you want. Doing this can help relieve stress and pain.

You should also practice deep breathing. Deep breathing is a natural relaxation mechanism. Practice this technique every day, and you will soon be able to handle stress better.

It is not uncommon to develop a cough after quitting. Smokers should check with their physician if they are experiencing difficulty breathing, have a long cough, or have bloody phlegm. Usually, this coughing is not a cause for concern. But it should be evaluated if it persists for longer than a few months.

If you are interested in getting started with a new healthy habit, consider yoga. Yoga poses can help you to relax, increase your blood circulation, and improve your overall physical and mental health.

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  • James Quinto

    James is a content creator who works in the personal development niche. Quinto James

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About the Author: James Quinto

James is a content creator who works in the personal development niche.