Dr. Richard Schwartz Guides You Through a Meditation to Find Your True Self | IFS Demonstration

Dr. Richard Schwartz Guides You Through a Meditation to Find Your True Self | IFS Demonstration

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Foreign [Music] [Applause] If you are aren't just do what you Normally do Is that how much time I have we can just Take seven we can go a few minutes seven Okay All right so first step is to think of a Part of you that gets in your way And that you're annoyed with or you even Hate Or that you're afraid of So when you have such a part in mind Raise your hand just so I can see where We are Okay great all right you can put your Hands down And now focus on it And find it in your body or around your Body And that's not necessary if you can't Find it that's okay but if you can then It can that place in your body can serve As a kind of Anchor Point Oh And as you notice it there Also notice how you feel toward it Is you have a relationship with it And if indeed you don't like it Or you're afraid of it Just see if those parts of you could Relax a little bit So you could just get to know it and it

Might have some surprising things to Tell you Foreign See if you could just be mindfully Curious about it And if you can't that's okay but if you Can't don't proceed with this And if you get to that curious place Just ask it what it wants you to know About itself And wait for an answer don't think of The answer So thinking Parts can relax too Just wait for an answer to come to you From that place in or around your body And then another question would be Ask it what it's afraid would happen if It didn't do this job inside of you And again just wait for the answer don't Think of an answer What's it afraid would happen if it Didn't do this And if you've got an answer that Question then it told you about what It's protecting So if it's possible Extend some appreciation to it or Compassion for it And just see how it reacts to that And ask it If you could heal or change what it Protects So it was free to this responsibility What would it like to do instead inside

Of you It was really liberated what would it Like to do instead And just wait for an answer Foreign Question how old does it think you are Not how old is that but how old does it Think you are And if you get a younger age than you Are Maybe update it and see how it reacts And then thank you for letting you know Whatever it did And then begin your journey back out Here Taking deep breaths of that house


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About the Author: James Quinto

James is a content creator who works in the personal development niche.