Guided Meditation: Honest Noting; Pāramīs (4 of 5) The Perfections of Truth and Resolve

Guided Meditation: Honest Noting; Pāramīs (4 of 5) The Perfections of Truth and Resolve

Welcome to our latest installment in the series of guided meditations focused on the Pāramīs, or the Perfections. In this session, we’ll be exploring the fourth and fifth Pāramīs: Truth and Resolve. Using the technique of Honest Noting, we’ll learn to concentrate on our breath and thoughts, and develop the qualities necessary to attain these powerful virtues. Get ready to embark on a transformational journey towards self-awareness and inner peace.

Guided Meditation: Honest Noting; Pāramīs (4 of 5) The Perfections of Truth and Resolve


Meditation has become an essential element of spiritual practice for many people around the world. It’s a practice that has been proven to help improve focus, reduce anxiety, and aid in overall mental well-being. Insight Meditation Center located in Redwood City, CA, has been offering live Dharma talks through their website, and in this particular one, we will dive into Guided Meditation: Honest Noting; Pāramīs (4 of 5) The Perfections of Truth and Resolve.

What is Pāramitā?

Pāramitā is a Sanskrit term that means to cross over to the other shore. It’s a concept that is common in Buddhism, and it refers to the perfection, or crossing over, of certain virtues or qualities. The Pāramitā path is a spiritual journey that is meant to help the practitioner cultivate these virtues or qualities.

What is a Guided Meditation?

A guided meditation is a form of meditation where a speaker provides verbal guidance to help the practitioner remain focused on the present moment. It’s an effective way for beginners to learn how to meditate, and for experienced practitioners to deepen their practice.

The Perfections of Truth and Resolve

The fourth and fifth perfections, known as the Perfections of Truth and Resolve, are crucial components of the Pāramitā path. The objective of these perfections is to develop an unwavering commitment to the truth and to cultivate a deep sense of determination and effort in the practice.

During this guided meditation, participants are invited to focus on developing truthful awareness of their experiences, rather than trying to change or control them. Participants are encouraged to simply observe their experiences, emotions, and thoughts as they arise without judgment or attachment, using the technique of “Honest Noting.”

What is Honest Noting?

Honest Noting is a technique used in mindfulness meditation, where the practitioner focuses on the experience at hand and notes it without judgment. For example, if the practitioner notices a physical sensation in their body, they would note it aloud with phrases like “tingling,” “warmth,” or “pressure.” Similarly, if they notice a thought or emotion, they would note it with a simple phrase like “thinking” or “feeling.”

Benefits of the Perfections of Truth and Resolve

By practicing the Perfections of Truth and Resolve, we can:

  • Develop a deeper understanding of ourselves and our experiences
  • Cultivate a strong sense of determination and willpower
  • Learn to make decisions based on truth and wisdom rather than fear or bias
  • Develop authentic relationships with others based on truthful communication
  • Release ourselves from the cycle of suffering and illusion.

Additional Resources

The Insight Meditation Center website offers a vast collection of additional audio talks and resources to support your meditation practice. Through the website, learners can also help support the center and its efforts to offer helpful meditation guidance with a secure donation.


Guided meditation is an excellent way for anyone to start their meditation practice or deepen their spiritual journey. The Perfection of Truth and Resolve is a critical component of the Pāramitā path that helps practitioners navigate the complexities of life with a commitment to authenticity and determination. With the help of Insight Meditation Center’s live-streaming and additional resources, anyone can benefit from this transformative practice.


  1. Do I need to be experienced in meditation to participate in the Honest Noting Meditation practice?
  • No, Honest Noting Meditation is a beginner-friendly practice, and anyone can participate.
  1. Can I make a donation to Insight Meditation Center through their website?
  • Yes, Insight Meditation Center accepts donations through their website, and your support helps to continue their work.
  1. How can I find additional audio resources offered by Insight Meditation Center?
  • Visit Insight Meditation Center’s website for access to additional audio talks and resources offered to support your meditation practice.
  1. Where is Insight Meditation Center located?
  • Insight Meditation Center is located in Redwood City, California.
  1. Can I access the Dharma talk through an embedded Youtube video?
  • Yes, the Dharma talk is available for viewing through an embedded Youtube video on Insight Meditation Center’s website.


  • James Quinto

    James is a content creator who works in the personal development niche. Quinto James

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About the Author: James Quinto

James is a content creator who works in the personal development niche.