Guided Meditation: Tuning in to the Breath; Wisdom in Unification (1 of 5)

Guided Meditation: Tuning in to the Breath; Wisdom in Unification (1 of 5)

Welcome to the first in a series of blog posts on the topic of guided meditation. In this series, we’ll explore different meditation techniques that can help you tune in to your breath and find wisdom through unification. Meditation has been practiced for thousands of years and has numerous benefits, including reducing stress, improving focus, and increasing self-awareness. So, whether you’re new to meditation or a seasoned practitioner, join us on this journey to discover the power of guided meditation. In this first post, we’ll delve into the basics of tuning in to your breath and unifying your mind and body.

Guided Meditation: Tuning in to the Breath; Wisdom in Unification (1 of 5)


In today’s fast-paced world, it’s easy to find yourself feeling overwhelmed and disconnected. To combat these feelings, more and more people are turning to meditation to help them find peace and clarity. Insight Meditation Center, located in Redwood City, CA, offers a variety of resources for both new and experienced meditators. One of these resources is a series of live Dharma talks available for streaming, including a guided meditation session at 39:36, and a Dharmette at 1:27:08.

What is Insight Meditation?

Insight Meditation is a practice that focuses on developing mindfulness and concentration. This type of meditation involves paying attention to the present moment, including your thoughts, feelings, and bodily sensations. The goal is to develop a greater understanding of yourself and the world around you, leading to increased wisdom and compassion.

What is a Dharma talk?

A Dharma talk is a talk given by an experienced meditation teacher about a specific topic related to Buddhist teachings. These talks are designed to provide guidance and inspiration for meditation practice. At Insight Meditation Center, live Dharma talks are given regularly and made available for streaming on their website for those who can’t attend in person.

What is a Dharmette?

A Dharmette is a shorter talk on a specific topic related to Buddhist teachings. These talks are usually given after a Dharma talk and provide additional insights and reflections.

Guided Meditation: Tuning in to the Breath; Wisdom in Unification

The guided meditation session offered in this live Dharma talk focuses on tuning in to the breath and developing wisdom through unification. The session begins with a brief introduction from the meditation teacher, followed by a guided meditation session that lasts approximately 30 minutes.

During the meditation session, the teacher encourages listeners to focus on their breath, allowing it to become the anchor for their attention. As thoughts and feelings arise, the listener is instructed to acknowledge them without judgment and then gently return their focus to the breath.

Through this practice of focusing on the breath, the listener is encouraged to develop greater concentration and mindfulness. This, in turn, leads to a greater understanding of the self and the world around us.

Additional Resources

In addition to the live Dharma talks, Insight Meditation Center offers a wealth of resources for those interested in learning more about meditation. This includes additional audio talks, as well as courses and retreats for both beginners and experienced meditators.

Supporting the Center

Insight Meditation Center is a non-profit organization that relies on the support of its community to continue offering its services. Donations are always welcomed and appreciated, and can be made through the center’s website.


Meditation can be a powerful tool for finding peace and clarity in our busy lives. The live Dharma talks and guided meditation sessions offered by Insight Meditation Center provide an excellent resource for those looking to deepen their practice. By focusing on the breath and developing greater mindfulness, we can cultivate greater wisdom and compassion, both for ourselves and for the world around us.


  1. What is Insight Meditation Center?
    Insight Meditation Center is a non-profit organization located in Redwood City, CA that offers resources for those interested in meditation, including audio talks, courses, and retreats.

  2. What is a Dharma talk?
    A Dharma talk is a talk given by an experienced meditation teacher about a specific topic related to Buddhist teachings.

  3. What is a Dharmette?
    A Dharmette is a shorter talk on a specific topic related to Buddhist teachings that is given after a Dharma talk.

  4. What is the focus of the guided meditation session offered in this live Dharma talk?
    The guided meditation session offered in this live Dharma talk focuses on tuning in to the breath and developing wisdom through unification.

  5. Is Insight Meditation Center a non-profit organization?
    Yes, Insight Meditation Center is a non-profit organization that relies on the support of its community to continue offering its services.


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About the Author: James Quinto

James is a content creator who works in the personal development niche.