How a Memory Exercise Can Improve Your Memory

One way to improve your memory is to practice retrieval practice. This involves retrieving and elaborating previously learned information. It also includes social interaction and exposure to certain brain-stimulating chemicals. Whether it’s a simple verbatim question or a complex inference question, you can benefit from a memory exercise.

Retrieval practice

Retrieval practice is a method that can help students improve their memory. This type of practice involves students committing information to memory and testing their knowledge. The questions can be broad or specific to the learning objectives of the students. Then, students can compare their answers and get feedback from one another. They can also practice this technique in small groups or breakout rooms.


Elaboration is a process of adding additional information to information already encoded in the brain. Elaboration has been shown to enhance memory, particularly if it occurs during encoding. However, the process must be understood in the context of the conditions at retrieval. For example, in order to make an error-free recall, participants must have the information encoded correctly.

Social interaction

Social interaction is an excellent memory exercise that helps you think clearly and recall information. Research from the National Institutes of Health has shown that people who engage in social interaction have improved cognitive performance. It’s a good idea to engage in social interactions on a daily basis to keep your brain in tiptop shape.

Brain-stimulating chemicals

The release of brain-stimulating chemicals during memory exercise has been linked to enhanced cognitive performance. This is the result of a rise in norepinephrine, a neurotransmitter that influences perception, motivation, and arousal. It also helps individuals learn, focus, and comprehend complex concepts. These hormones may also contribute to an increase in brain-derived neurotrophic factor, which is involved in neuron growth and mood regulation. Recent studies have also linked higher levels of these compounds with enhanced cognitive performance in young adults who are physically fit.

MRI scans

MRI scans of the brain have been used to study memory, and they have shown promising results. Researchers from the Wellcome Centre for Integrative Neuroimaging at the University of Oxford used MRI scans to investigate the neural mechanisms that allow for precise memory recall. They administered memory tasks to participants in an MRI scanner. Participants were asked to learn two overlapping memories, and researchers measured how much interference was caused between the memories. They focused on two specific regions of the brain, the neocortex and the hippocampus, which help separate overlapping memories.

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About the Author: James Quinto

James is a content creator who works in the personal development niche.