How Self-Inquiry Shifts Your Identification | With Byron Katie

How Self-Inquiry Shifts Your Identification | With Byron Katie

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Foreign [Music] [Applause] Can the child actually be yourself is What she said can the child actually be Yourself So I spill the milk and I'm angry with Myself so let's say you spilled the milk So what self-judgments would you have About yourself You're clumsy you're what You did it wrong You did it wrong is that it that's a big One how many of you have experienced Identical Another popular one So you spilled the milk So you weren't paying attention is that What you just said Okay so Okay so so everyone in the audience Can't hear you but what's happening is Just flying around trying to find a Belief Not being able to land on one the ego is Going to whoa whoa maybe it says maybe It's that I'm not saying that's you I'm Just saying it's not simple just to land On something a self-judgment for one Thing there are so many For another thing it takes Silence The work is meditation It's something we sit in you know I ask

Myself is it true there's something Wrong with me in that situation where I Spilled the milk There's something wrong with me Is it true now I'm not going to guess I'm going to I'm going to look at that moment even if It's like nanoseconds back let's say It's it's three minutes ago I spill the Milk and now I'm just mom's gonna come In so I'm I've got to get over the Hyperventilation so I can just clean it Up in time for her to see this Okay so there's something wrong with me I'd do it later because mom's coming Okay I do the best I can in that situation So later I'm sitting down there's Something wrong with me is it true Yes I can see you know I was sitting There and I just spilled the milk like That I was turning I didn't I didn't remember it was there I didn't mean to do the same turn There's something wrong with me is it True Yes can I absolutely know that it's true Okay let me look again No You see how my ends are changed How many of you see why my answer Changed Okay you're in self-inquiry Okay is it true the first time I saw I

Just Turned and it happened I should have Looked So no I'm innocent I I can't remember what I can't remember Can I absolutely know that it's true There's something wrong with me No I am completely innocent Okay I I had no way it was the milk was There but it wasn't here I moved And there it was Everyone follow that Okay So how do I react when I believe the Thought there's something wrong with me Okay you're all familiar with that one Right So you sit in that for a while and you Begin to get in touch with emotions at a Very deep level Hmm How do I react when I believe the Thought also I began to In that silence I began to be shown in My mind's eye All those other times that I have felt like there's something wrong With me there's something really Familiar in that and maybe I want to Just write down a couple of notes like Three years old five years old yesterday You know other times when I felt like

There was something wrong with me Or whatever arises okay and I continue To meditate on how do I react when I Believe the thought I notice where the first emotion hit me How far it traveled How it affect my shoulders and neck I mean at any age It's never too late just to get in touch With those emotions and Feelings and what images of past future Come to me when I Think the thought there's something Wrong with me in that situation And then I get a move to who would I be Without it Who would I be You know knocking over the milk without The thought there's something wrong with Me In case so let's let's Do the work then when I turned around There's something right with me you see How I'm not just finding an opposite I'm Also flipping to the opposite meaning of The the actual word Something wrong with me there's Something right with me now I'm going to Try that on just like a new pair of Boots Just meditating on there's something Right with me in that situation And it's it's remarkable in the silence What is shown to you it's a gift it's

Enlightenment it will it will lighten Your mind it will lighten your Experience it will flow through your Relationships just one inquiry on Something that simple It shifts your identification It shifts when there's something wrong With me to it's possible there's not Something right with me and then Eventually there's something right with Me You start to get a balance Then eventually you know I can't I can Honestly say I come from a world of Depression more than a decade of the Deepest darkest suicidal depression hard To breathe And and I can honestly say that I Haven't felt the slightest depression in Over three decades just and I was a Pretty hopeless case But this inquiry found me and it's like I just dug my way out of hell And I really didn't dig my way I just Got still At these questions were just born in me In a moment and um And I just would not go into hell Without taking them with me you know It's like a flashlight you just go in With it into the deepest darkest and It's you know just don't leave home Without it


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About the Author: James Quinto

James is a content creator who works in the personal development niche.