International Day of YOGA 2024 | SRI C. P. RADHAKRISHNAN | Hon’ble Governor of Telangana | Kanha

International Day of YOGA 2024 | SRI C. P. RADHAKRISHNAN | Hon'ble Governor of Telangana | Kanha

On the auspicious occasion of International Day of Yoga 2024, hon’ble Governor of Telangana, Sri C. P. Radhakrishnan, joins the celebration at Kanha. He embraces the essence of yoga, promoting physical, mental, and spiritual well-being through this ancient practice.

International Day of Yoga 2024 Celebration with Sri C. P. Radhakrishnan: A Heartfelt Review


In the fast-paced world we live in, finding inner peace and tranquility can often feel like a distant dream. However, amidst the chaos, there lies a beacon of hope – the practice of yoga and meditation. As the world gears up to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the International Day of Yoga on June 21st, 2024, there is one event that stands out – the heartwarming video created by Heartfulness. Let’s delve into the deep realms of this captivating video and explore the essence of yoga, meditation, and spirituality.

Celebration of Yoga with Sri C. P. Radhakrishnan

The event witnessed a significant milestone with the esteemed presence of Sri C. P. Radhakrishnan, the Hon’ble Governor of Telangana. His inspirational words echoed the importance of embracing yoga as a way of life, highlighting the profound impact it can have on one’s physical, mental, and spiritual well-being.

Free Meditation Session Booking

Attendees were delighted to discover the opportunity to book a free meditation session, allowing them to experience the transformative power of Heartfulness Meditation firsthand. This initiative aimed to make the practice more accessible to individuals from all walks of life, emphasizing inclusivity and personal growth.

Heartfulness Meditation Subscription on YouTube

For those seeking a regular dose of serenity and mindfulness, Heartfulness offers a convenient subscription option on YouTube. With just a few clicks, users can immerse themselves in guided meditation sessions, helping them navigate the complexities of modern living with grace and composure.

“Spiritual Anatomy” Book Ordering

Enthusiasts of spiritual literature were thrilled to learn about the availability of “Spiritual Anatomy,” a profound book that delves into the intricacies of our spiritual essence. This insightful read promises to unravel the mysteries of the soul and provide a roadmap to inner enlightenment.

Heartfulness Institute’s Tree Conservation Initiative

Going beyond personal growth, the Heartfulness Institute has embarked on a noble mission to conserve endangered tree species in India. By nurturing the environment, they echo the ethos of yoga – fostering harmony and balance in our interconnected world.

“The Heartfulness Way” Bestseller Book

As a testament to its profound impact, “The Heartfulness Way” continues to soar as an Amazon bestseller, captivating readers with its timeless wisdom and practical guidance. This seminal work serves as a guiding light for those traversing the path of spiritual evolution and self-discovery.


In conclusion, the International Day of Yoga 2024 celebration with Sri C. P. Radhakrishnan was a heartwarming tribute to the power of yoga and meditation in transforming lives. From the esteemed presence of dignitaries to the abundance of spiritual resources, the event encapsulated the essence of inner peace and well-being. As we embrace the teachings of yoga in our daily lives, may we continue to walk the path of self-discovery and enlightenment with grace and humility.


  1. Can anyone attend the free meditation session?
  2. How can I subscribe to Heartfulness Meditation on YouTube?
  3. Where can I order the “Spiritual Anatomy” book?
  4. How can I contribute to the Heartfulness Institute’s tree conservation initiative?
  5. Are there any upcoming events organized by Heartfulness to celebrate yoga and meditation?


  • James Quinto

    James is a content creator who works in the personal development niche. Quinto James

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About the Author: James Quinto

James is a content creator who works in the personal development niche.