Let go of Negativity and Self-Doubt Mini Meditation #shorts | Mindful Movement

Let go of Negativity and Self-Doubt Mini Meditation #shorts | Mindful Movement

Experience a transformative meditation journey with the “Let go of Negativity and Self-Doubt Mini Meditation” from Mindful Movement. This #shorts video is designed to help you release negative thoughts and emotions that may be holding you back. As you listen to the soothing voice guiding you through the meditation, you’ll feel a wave of peace and tranquility wash over you. Let go of your worries and open up to the possibility of a brighter future. Join us on this mindfulness journey and find your inner stillness.

Let go of Negativity and Self-Doubt Mini Meditation #shorts | Mindful Movement


In this fast-paced world, it’s common to feel overwhelmed and stressed. We often focus entirely on our physical well-being, neglecting our mental and emotional health. If you’re someone who is struggling with negativity and self-doubt, then this video is for you. This mini-meditation by Mindful Movement is designed to help you let go of negative thoughts and emotions so that you can find inner peace and contentment. In this article, we’ll discuss the key takeaways from the video and how you can incorporate them into your daily routine.

Your Soul is Like a Garden That Needs Regular Tending

The speaker in the video compares your soul to a garden that needs regular tending. Just like a garden, your soul requires care and attention to flourish. Negativity and self-doubt are like weeds that can take over your inner garden and prevent you from living your best life. To prevent this from happening, you need to take steps to nurture your soul, just as you would with a garden.

Plant Seeds of Love, Hope, and Faith in Your Soul

To cultivate your soul, you need to plant seeds of love, hope, and faith. Love is a powerful force that can transform your thoughts and emotions. When you plant the seed of love in your soul, you invite positivity and contentment into your life. Hope is another essential seed that can give you the courage to face challenges and overcome obstacles. Faith provides a sense of purpose and direction, helping you to find meaning in your life.

Water the Seeds with Compassion and Acceptance

Once you’ve planted the seeds of love, hope, and faith, you need to water them with compassion and acceptance. Compassion is the act of showing kindness and understanding towards yourself and others. It helps you to let go of negative emotions and replace them with positive ones. Acceptance is the practice of acknowledging and embracing your thoughts and feelings without judgment. It allows you to let go of self-doubt and embrace self-confidence.

Try the “Come Home to Yourself” Meditation

The “Come Home to Yourself” meditation is a powerful tool for letting go of negativity and self-doubt. It’s a short meditation that you can do anywhere, and it only takes a few minutes to complete. The meditation involves bringing your attention to your breath and repeating the phrase “come home to yourself” in your mind. This helps you to focus on the present moment and connect with your inner being.

A Free 7 Day Foundations of Meditation Course is Available to Register

If you’re new to meditation, then the free 7 Day Foundations of Meditation course is an excellent place to start. This course provides an introduction to the basics of meditation, including breath awareness, body scan, and loving-kindness meditation. It’s an excellent way to explore different types of meditation and find the one that works best for you.

Share the Video with Someone in Need

The video about taking care of your soul is associated with tags like motivation, positivity, meditation, etc. If you found it helpful, then you’re encouraged to share it with someone in need. Letting go of negativity and self-doubt is a journey that we all must take at some point in our lives. By sharing this video, you can help others on their journey towards inner peace and contentment.


The mini-meditation in the “Let go of Negativity and Self-Doubt Mini Meditation #shorts | Mindful Movement” video is a useful tool for anyone who is struggling with negativity and self-doubt. By focusing on love, hope, and faith, and watering these seeds with compassion and acceptance, you can cultivate your soul and let go of negative thoughts and emotions. Remember to try the “Come Home to Yourself” meditation and consider registering for the free 7 Day Foundations of Meditation course. By sharing this video with someone in need, you can help others on their journey towards inner peace and contentment.


  1. What is the “Come Home to Yourself” meditation?
    The “Come Home to Yourself” meditation is a powerful tool for letting go of negativity and self-doubt. It’s a short meditation that involves bringing your attention to your breath and repeating the phrase “come home to yourself” in your mind.

  2. Is the Foundations of Meditation course free?
    Yes, the Foundations of Meditation course is entirely free.

  3. How long does the “Let go of Negativity and Self-Doubt Mini Meditation #shorts | Mindful Movement” video last?
    The video is a short mini-meditation, and it lasts for only a few minutes.

  4. What are the benefits of nurturing your soul?
    Nurturing your soul can help you to find inner peace and contentment. It can also improve your mental and emotional well-being, leading to better physical health.

  5. Can meditation help with anxiety?
    Yes, meditation can be an effective tool for managing anxiety. It helps to reduce stress and promote relaxation, which can ease feelings of anxiety and worry.


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About the Author: James Quinto

James is a content creator who works in the personal development niche.