Live Meditation With Daaji | 18th June 2023 | 07:30 AM IST | Raipur

Live Meditation With Daaji | 18th June 2023 | 07:30 AM IST | Raipur

Welcome to our blog post, where we’re excited to share the details of an upcoming event that we don’t want you to miss. Join us for a live meditation session with Daaji on June 18th, 2023, at 7:30 AM IST in Raipur. Our team cannot wait to experience the transformative energy of this meditation under Daaji’s guidance. It’s the perfect opportunity to connect with others, enhance your spiritual practice, and deepen your mindfulness journey. We hope you’ll join us for this inspiring event.

Live Meditation With Daaji | 18th June 2023 | 07:30 AM IST | Raipur


Greetings! We are excited to announce an upcoming event that we cannot wait to share with you. On the 18th of June, 2023 at 07:30 AM IST, we will be holding a live meditation session with none other than Daaji, the Heartfulness Guide. We know that life’s stresses and anxieties need a way out, and what better way than to meditate with Daaji himself. The event will take place in Raipur and also be accessible online through our website, app, and social media channels.

What is Heartfulness Meditation?

Heartfulness Meditation is a simple, practical technique that can be easily adopted by anyone anywhere, anytime. This meditation involves accessing your inner consciousness and finding complete relaxation, calmness, and peace with oneself. Through heart-based meditation, we can reach a state of consciousness where we experience immense love, joy, and compassion.

Our Heartfulness Meditation sessions are guided by certified practitioners who have been trained in Daaji’s approach. Daaji is renowned for his teachings across the globe and has dedicated his life to sharing the gift of Heartfulness with those who seek its benefits.

How do you participate in the Live Meditation? ##

We welcome all individuals to participate in this live meditation event with Daaji. Here are some ways in which you can participate:

  1. In person: For individuals living in or around Raipur, you can register on our website and join us at the venue on the day of the event.
  2. Online: For those who cannot make it to Raipur, you can still be a part of the event on our website, app, or social media channels. We will be streaming the entire event live for your convenience. You can join in from the comfort of your own home or from anywhere in the world.

Why meditate with Daaji?

Daaji has been practicing meditation for over forty years. He is a scientist, spiritual teacher, and guide who has dedicated his life to sharing the benefits of Heartfulness Meditation with the world. He has been invited to speak at various conferences, universities, and organizations globally, promoting the idea of a healthy and balanced mind. Daaji has also written a book called “The Heartfulness Way” which is available on our website and Amazon.


  1. What are the benefits of Heartfulness Meditation?
    Heartfulness meditation can help enhance inner tranquility, reduce stress level, improve emotional stability, and improve overall well-being.

  2. Is Heartfulness Meditation a religion?
    No, Heartfulness Meditation is not a religion, and people of all faiths can benefit from practicing this technique.

  3. How can I get more information about Heartfulness Meditation?
    You can visit our website and or connect with us through social media for more information.

  4. Can I join the live meditation at any time if I miss the start?
    No, we recommend that you join the live meditation from the start so you can benefit from the full session.

  5. How do I subscribe to your meditation services?
    You can subscribe to our meditation services on our website or through our app for iOS and Android devices.


We are thrilled to extend an open invitation to all individuals to join us for this live meditation event with Daaji, the Heartfulness Guide. We hope that through this experience, you will find a sense of tranquility, inner peace, and improved emotional well-being. Thank you for considering meditating with us, and we look forward to your presence.


  • James Quinto

    James is a content creator who works in the personal development niche. Quinto James

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About the Author: James Quinto

James is a content creator who works in the personal development niche.