Live Meditation With Daaji | 22 June 2024 | 6.30 PM EDT | 4 AM IST | Monroe | US| Heartfulness

Live Meditation With Daaji | 22 June 2024 | 6.30 PM EDT | 4 AM IST | Monroe | US| Heartfulness

Welcome to our blog post on Live Meditation with Daaji on June 22, 2024, at 6:30 PM EDT (4 AM IST). Join us in Monroe, US, as we explore the transformative practice of Heartfulness meditation.


Hello, dear readers! We are excited to share with you an upcoming event that will bring peace, harmony, and mindfulness straight to your doorstep. Join us on June 22, 2024, at 6:30 PM EDT or catch the replay at 4 AM IST for a transformative live meditation session with none other than Daaji, a renowned expert in the Heartfulness way. Allow us to guide you on this journey of self-discovery and inner exploration.

Experience the Heartfulness Way

Are you ready to embark on a journey of self-discovery and tranquility? Allow us to be your companions on this enriching path towards inner peace and mindfulness. Daaji will lead us through a live meditation session, where we will learn to quiet our minds, open our hearts, and connect with our inner selves.

Book Your Free Meditation Session Now

Ready to dive in and experience the transformative power of Heartfulness meditation? Book your free session through our website and secure your spot for this special event. Let us guide you towards a state of deep relaxation and spiritual rejuvenation.

Subscribe to Deepen Your Practice

Want to delve deeper into the world of Heartfulness meditation? Subscribe to our newsletter and stay updated on all our latest offerings, events, and resources. Let us be your companions on this journey towards a more mindful and fulfilling life.

  • Curious about Heartfulness Meditation? Subscribe now for exciting updates.
  • Stay informed about our upcoming events and workshops through our newsletter.

Download Our Heartfulness App

Looking for a guided meditation experience at your fingertips? Download our Heartfulness App and access a treasure trove of guided meditations, mindfulness practices, and spiritual insights. Let us accompany you on your journey towards inner peace and self-discovery.

  • Explore a variety of guided meditations on our Heartfulness App.
  • Access mindful practices anytime, anywhere with just a few taps.

Connect with Us on Social Media

Wish to stay connected with us and be a part of our growing community? Follow us on our social media platforms for daily inspiration, meditation tips, and updates on upcoming events. Let us build a community centered around mindfulness, positivity, and growth, together.

  • Join our social media family for daily doses of inspiration and mindfulness.
  • Engage with like-minded individuals and share your meditation journey with us.

Order “Spiritual Anatomy” or “The Authentic Yoga”

Looking to deepen your understanding of spirituality and yoga? Order Daaji’s acclaimed books, “Spiritual Anatomy” and “The Authentic Yoga,” either from Amazon or our website. Let us guide you towards a deeper connection with your spiritual self through these insightful reads.

  • Dive into the realms of spirituality with Daaji’s enlightening books.
  • Explore the depths of yoga and meditation with our recommended reads.

Explore Heartfulness Trainers & Meditation Centers Near You

Yearning for a more personal meditation experience? Explore Heartfulness Trainers and Meditation Centers near you for in-person guidance and support. Let us connect you with experienced trainers and like-minded individuals on your spiritual journey.

  • Find Heartfulness Trainers and Centers near you for personalized guidance.
  • Connect with a community of meditation enthusiasts and seekers in your area.

Support Our Initiative to Conserve Native Tree Species in India

Passionate about environmental conservation and sustainability? Support our initiative to conserve native tree species in India and contribute towards a greener, more harmonious planet. Let us join hands in protecting our natural heritage for future generations.

  • Join us in our efforts to preserve and protect India’s native tree species.
  • Make a difference in the world by supporting our conservation initiatives.


As we prepare for the transformative live meditation session with Daaji, we invite you to join us on this journey towards inner peace, mindfulness, and self-discovery. Let us walk together on the path of Heartfulness, towards a calmer mind, an open heart, and a more harmonious world.


  1. How can I book a free meditation session with Daaji?
  2. Where can I find more information about Heartfulness Meditation and its benefits?
  3. Is the Heartfulness App available for both Android and iOS devices?
  4. How can I support the conservation of native tree species in India through Heartfulness?
  5. Are there any prerequisites for attending the live meditation session with Daaji?


  • James Quinto

    James is a content creator who works in the personal development niche. Quinto James

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About the Author: James Quinto

James is a content creator who works in the personal development niche.