Live Meditation With Daaji | 23rd April | 7.30 AM IST | Kanha Shanti Vanam | Heartfulness | Daaji

Live Meditation With Daaji | 23rd April | 7.30 AM IST | Kanha Shanti Vanam | Heartfulness | Daaji

Experience a unique and transformative journey through Heartfulness meditation with Daaji on the 23rd of April at 7.30 AM IST, live from Kanha Shanti Vanam. Join us for an immersive meditation experience that will help you connect with your inner self and lead to a sense of deep calm and rejuvenation. Daaji, a renowned meditation guide and the global guide of Heartfulness, will lead this session, with a focus on cultivating inner peace and balance. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to discover the power of Heartfulness meditation and join us for a serene and enlightening experience.

Live Meditation With Daaji And The Heartfulness Practice


On 23rd April at 7:30 AM IST, there will be a live meditation session hosted by Daaji at Kanha Shanti Vanam. Daaji is the spiritual guide and global president of Heartfulness Meditation. The meditation session will be broadcast worldwide, with the aim of promoting peace, harmony, and a deeper connection with one’s self.

For those who are new to Heartfulness, it is a unique form of meditation that focuses on the heart as a source of inner wisdom and peace. Unlike other forms of meditation, Heartfulness meditation emphasizes the role of a trainer, who guides the practitioner in finding inner stillness and peace.

Here are some important things you need to know about Heartfulness meditation and its offerings:

Heartfulness Meditation’s Offerings

Heartfulness meditation has several offerings that make it easier for people to practice this unique form of meditation.

The Authentic Yoga Book

If you’re looking to deepen your understanding of yoga, “The Authentic Yoga” book by Daaji is a great resource. The book provides insights on the philosophy of yoga and ways to practice its different aspects. It’s available on Amazon USA and India.

Free Sessions and App

Heartfulness meditation offers free sessions and an app for both Android and iOS. This makes it easier for people to learn and practice Heartfulness.

Tree Conservation and Other Initiatives

Heartfulness also focuses on conservation and other initiatives to promote holistic living. The organization has planted millions of trees to promote environmental sustainability and has also initiated other programs.

Heartspots: Trainers and Meditation Centers

Heartspots is a website that helps people find trainers and meditation centers in their area. If you’re looking to learn Heartfulness meditation or attend a group meditation session, this is a great resource.

The Heartfulness Way Book

“The Heartfulness Way” is a bestselling book by Daaji that provides insight into Heartfulness meditation and the philosophy behind it. It’s a great resource for those looking to deepen their understanding and practice of Heartfulness.

Designing Destiny Book

“Designing Destiny” is another book by Daaji that talks about the power of meditation and its impact on our daily lives. The book provides insights on how meditation can help us achieve our goals and design our own destiny.

Heartfulness Magazine

If you’re looking for a regular dose of inspiration and guidance on Heartfulness meditation, Heartfulness Magazine is a great resource. The magazine can be subscribed to digitally or in print.

Social Media Presence

Finally, Heartfulness can be followed on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn. By following Heartfulness, you’ll get regular updates on the organization’s initiatives and resources for practicing Heartfulness.


Heartfulness meditation is a unique and ancient form of meditation that emphasizes the role of the heart as a source of inner peace and wisdom. With its focus on a trainer and a deeper connection with the self, Heartfulness meditation has helped many people lead more fulfilling lives. If you’re interested in practicing Heartfulness meditation, you can visit the Heartspots website to find a trainer in your area or download the app for free sessions.


  1. What is Heartfulness meditation?
    Heartfulness meditation is a unique form of meditation that emphasizes the role of the heart as a source of inner wisdom and peace.

  2. Who is Daaji?
    Daaji is the spiritual guide and global president of Heartfulness meditation.

  3. What resources are available to learn Heartfulness meditation?
    Heartfulness meditation offers free sessions, an app for Android and iOS, The Heartfulness Way and Designing Destiny books, Heartfulness Magazine, and Heartspots to help people find trainers and meditation centers.

  4. Can I follow Heartfulness on social media?
    Yes, Heartfulness can be followed on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn.

  5. Is Heartfulness involved in any other initiatives besides meditation?
    Yes, Heartfulness focuses on conservation and other initiatives to promote holistic living, such as tree conservation.


  • James Quinto

    James is a content creator who works in the personal development niche. Quinto James

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About the Author: James Quinto

James is a content creator who works in the personal development niche.