Meditate with Daaji | 14th May 2023 | 11:00 AM IST | Heartfulness

Meditate with Daaji | 14th May 2023 | 11:00 AM IST | Heartfulness

Welcome to our upcoming meditation session with Daaji on the 14th of May 2023 at 11:00 AM IST. Daaji, the global guide of Heartfulness, will be leading this virtual meditation session, which promises to be a transformative experience for all those who participate. So, take some time out of your busy schedule and join us for this enriching meditation journey that will help you unwind, reduce stress, and rejuvenate your mind, body, and soul. We can’t wait to have you join us!

Meditate with Daaji | 14th May 2023 | 11:00 AM IST | Heartfulness


Meditation is a powerful practice that can have a profound impact on your physical and mental well-being. It is no wonder that in recent years, the popularity of meditation has skyrocketed as people look for ways to reduce stress and find inner peace. Heartfulness, a global non-profit organization, has been at the forefront of promoting meditation as an effective way to improve overall health and wellness.

Meditate with Daaji

On 14th May 2023, Heartfulness will be hosting ‘Meditate with Daaji,’ an online meditation event where participants can join in from the comfort of their own homes. Daaji, also known as Kamlesh Patel, is the Global Guide and President of Heartfulness. He has been practicing meditation for over forty years and is passionate about sharing his knowledge and experience with others.

Heartfulness is offering free meditation sessions.

Heartfulness offers free meditation sessions to anyone who is interested in learning more about the practice. These sessions are led by trained Heartfulness trainers who guide participants through the process of meditation. The trainers are available to answer any questions you may have and provide support during the meditation practice.

Heartfulness Trainers and Meditation Centers are available.

Heartfulness has a network of certified trainers and meditation centers located all over the world. These trainers have undergone rigorous training to ensure that they can provide high-quality guidance to those who wish to learn Heartfulness meditation. If you are interested in attending a meditation session in person, you can find a center near you by visiting the Heartfulness website.

Heartfulness has an app for Android and iOS users.

If you prefer to meditate at home, you can download the Heartfulness app on your Android or iOS device. The app contains guided meditation sessions that you can follow along with, as well as other resources to help you deepen your meditation practice.

Donations are accepted through

Heartfulness is a non-profit organization and relies on donations to continue offering free meditation sessions around the world. If you would like to support Heartfulness, you can make a donation through their website. Your donation will help them continue to spread the benefits of meditation to people all over the world.

Heartfulness also has an initiative to conserve the trees in India.

In addition to promoting meditation, Heartfulness is also committed to environmental conservation. They have launched an initiative to plant trees in India to combat deforestation and promote sustainable living. If you would like to get involved in this initiative, you can visit their website to learn more.

Books by Daaji are available on

If you are interested in learning more about meditation and Heartfulness, you can check out the books written by Daaji. These books are available for purchase on his website and are a great resource for anyone who wants to deepen their understanding of the practice.

Heartfulness magazine offers digital and print subscriptions.

Heartfulness magazine is a quarterly publication that features articles on meditation, wellness, and spirituality. The magazine is available in both digital and print formats, and subscriptions are available on their website.

The Global Heartfulness Digital store is available on

The Global Heartfulness Digital store offers a wide range of resources for anyone interested in meditation and spirituality. From guided meditation sessions to books and other resources, the digital store is a one-stop-shop for all your meditation needs.


Meditation is a powerful tool that can help you find inner peace and improve your overall well-being. With the resources offered by Heartfulness, anyone can learn how to meditate and experience the benefits for themselves. Whether you prefer in-person sessions or using an app, Heartfulness has something for everyone.


  1. How do I attend the ‘Meditate with Daaji’ event?
    A: You can attend the event by registering on the Heartfulness website.

  2. Are Heartfulness meditation sessions really free?
    A: Yes, Heartfulness offers free meditation sessions to anyone who is interested in learning more about the practice.

  3. Can I attend a Heartfulness meditation session in person?
    A: Yes, Heartfulness has a network of certified trainers and meditation centers located all over the world.

  4. Can I make a donation to Heartfulness?
    A: Yes, you can make a donation to Heartfulness through their website.

  5. How can I learn more about Heartfulness meditation?
    A: You can visit the Heartfulness website to learn more about the practice and access resources to help you deepen your meditation practice.


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About the Author: James Quinto

James is a content creator who works in the personal development niche.