Mini Mountain Meditation #shorts | Mindful Movement

Mini Mountain Meditation #shorts | Mindful Movement

Welcome to our latest blog post, where we’ll dive into the practice of Mini Mountain Meditation through the medium of #shorts videos. In today’s fast-paced world, it’s easy to get caught up in the rush of daily life. With Mindful Movement, we’ll help you adjust your focus and rediscover the present with this short and effective meditation technique. So, let’s take a moment to breathe, relax, and become centered as we explore Mini Mountain Meditation.

Mini Mountain Meditation: A Journey Towards Consciousness


In today’s fast-paced world, we are often lost in the web of thoughts that keep us away from accessing our conscious mind. Therefore, it becomes crucial to take a break from our mundane schedule, declutter our thoughts, and look within ourselves. The Mini Mountain Meditation, also known as #onestepatatime, is a perfect way to assist yourself in stepping towards the journey of consciousness.

Join us in this #mindfulmovement, as we explore the mini mountain meditation and its benefits.

What is Mini Mountain Meditation?

The Mini Mountain Meditation is one of the famous #shorts on YouTube, discussing consciousness and the journey towards it. In this video, the journey is compared to that of climbing a mountain. The video is just 55 seconds long but conveys a powerful message.

The video encourages viewers to take one step at a time towards their goal. Similarly, while climbing a mountain, we take one step at a time towards the summit.

How to Practice Mini Mountain Meditation

Practicing the Mini Mountain Meditation is easy and simple. Follow the below steps:

  1. Take a comfortable sitting position, close your eyes and take a deep breath.

  2. Imagine yourself at the base of the mountain, looking up towards the summit.

  3. Take a step with your right foot and breathe in deeply.

  4. Hold your breath, feel the ground beneath your foot, and visualize yourself taking a step towards the summit.

  5. Release the breath, relax, and step forward with your left foot.

  6. Take a deep breath, hold it, and repeat these steps until you reach the summit.

  7. Once you reach the summit, take a deep breath and exhale.

  8. Stay in that position for a few seconds to allow your mind and body to process the calmness.

How does Mini Mountain Meditation Improves Trust?

The Mini Mountain Meditation is known to improve trust and self-awareness. This meditation is focused on taking small steps towards the goal, which helps break the process into achievable tasks. This creates a sense of control in the mind, leading to better emotional regulation and improved self-trust.

Suggested Meditation Video

One of the key focuses in the Mini Mountain Meditation is on breathing. For this reason, we have included a link to a suggested meditation video. The video is a guided breathing meditation that will help you achieve a calm and peaceful state, aiding you in your journey of consciousness.

Free 7-day Foundation of Meditation Course

If you are interested in exploring your journey towards consciousness further, then we have a surprise for you! Sign up for our Free 7-day Foundation of Meditation Course. In this course, you will learn different mindfulness techniques, including breathwork, visualization, and focused attention.


The Mini Mountain Meditation is an excellent way to improve trust and take a step towards the journey of consciousness. It’s just #onestepatatime, but it makes a significant difference in our lives. We hope that this article has helped you in your journey towards consciousness.


  1. What is the Mini Mountain Meditation?
    The Mini Mountain Meditation is a mindfulness meditation that uses the analogy of climbing a mountain to reach consciousness.

  2. How is the Mini Mountain Meditation practiced?
    The Mini Mountain Meditation is practiced by imagining oneself climbing a mountain, taking one breath and one step at a time.

  3. Does the Mini Mountain Meditation improve trust?
    Yes, the Mini Mountain Meditation is known to improve self-trust and control.

  4. What is the Free 7-day Foundation of Meditation course?
    The Free 7-day Foundation of Meditation course is an online class that teaches various mindfulness techniques.

  5. Where do I sign up for the Free 7-day Foundation of Meditation course?
    You can sign up for the Free 7-day Foundation of Meditation course by visiting our website and filling out the registration form.


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About the Author: James Quinto

James is a content creator who works in the personal development niche.