Neither Here Nor There | European Seminar | 17 May 2024 | 10.30 pm IST | 6 PM BST | Daaji | London

Neither Here Nor There | European Seminar | 17 May 2024 | 10.30 pm IST | 6 PM BST | Daaji | London

Welcome to our blog post covering the noteworthy event, Neither Here Nor There European Seminar, scheduled for 17th May 2024, at 10.30 pm IST and 6 PM BST, featuring Daaji in London.


Greetings, dear readers! We are thrilled to invite you to the exclusive virtual seat for the European Seminar happening on the mesmerizing day of May 17, 2024. As the clock strikes 10.30 PM IST and 6 PM BST, you are warmly welcomed to join us for a life-changing experience with none other than Daaji in the heart of London.

The Event Unveiled

Once we kick off this magical evening, you will witness a series of enlightening discussions, soul-stirring dialogues, and profound insights about heartfulness. This seminar transcends boundaries and brings us closer to the essence of meditation and spiritual grounding.

Discover the Essence of Heartfulness

Feeling lost in the chaos of everyday life? It’s time to embark on a journey within and explore the tranquil realms of your heart. This seminar offers you a unique opportunity to experience the blissful practice of heartfulness meditation, a path that leads to inner peace and harmony.

Join for Live Proceedings

Want to be part of the live proceedings and engage in the discussions firsthand? Secure your spot now and immerse yourself in the wisdom shared during this transformative event.

Enjoy a Free Meditation Session

Curious about what heartfulness meditation entails? Book yourself a free meditation session to get a taste of this soul-nourishing practice. Let us guide you through the process and help you discover the serenity that lies within.

Dive into Spiritual Wisdom

Looking to delve deeper into the realms of spirituality? Don’t miss the chance to order our acclaimed books, “Spiritual Anatomy” and “The Authentic Yoga,” which will enrich your understanding and guide you on the path to enlightenment.

Enhance Your Experience with Heartfulness App

For seamless access to heartfulness resources, make sure to download our Heartfulness App. Stay connected with us, access guided meditations, and nourish your spiritual journey anytime, anywhere.

Connect with Heartfulness Community

Keen on exploring more about heartfulness and joining like-minded individuals? Visit our website to find valuable information, discover heartfulness trainers, and locate meditation centers near you.

Support Conservation Initiatives

Care for the environment and wish to contribute to noble causes? Support our initiatives for the conservation of tree species in India. Every small effort counts towards a greener, more sustainable world.

Bestsellers Await You

Looking for insightful reads to accompany you on your spiritual quest? Explore our bestsellers like “The Heartfulness Way” and “Designing Destiny” books, packed with wisdom and practical guidance for a fulfilling life.


As we prepare to embark on this transformative journey at the European Seminar on May 17, 2024, we extend our heartfelt invitation to join us in this celebration of inner peace and spiritual growth. Let’s come together, learn, and evolve on this remarkable evening in the company of Daaji.


  1. How can I join the live proceedings of the European Seminar?
  2. Where can I book a free meditation session to experience heartfulness meditation?
  3. How can I order the books “Spiritual Anatomy” and “The Authentic Yoga”?
  4. What resources are available on the Heartfulness App?
  5. How can I support the conservation initiatives for tree species in India?


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About the Author: James Quinto

James is a content creator who works in the personal development niche.