Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder – Signs and Symptoms of Cleaning Disorder

Cleaning disorder is a compulsion to clean or sanitize a space. The compulsions can become excessive and may interfere with daily life. People with the disorder may have frightening thoughts, such as that not washing dishes properly can lead to serious illness. Their cleaning rituals can be very frustrating. In fact, they may be too obsessive about these rituals, even to the point of harming themselves. This article will discuss the signs and symptoms of cleaning disorder.

OCD is a disorder of cleaning

OCD, or obsessive-compulsive disorder, is a condition in which a person is obsessed with the cleanliness of things. They may feel anxious or take great stress over cleaning certain areas of the home, but this behavior is completely unrelated to a real problem. People with OCD may not understand the reasoning behind their behaviors, but it affects the quality of their life. It is vital to get the help of a qualified professional if you suspect you might have OCD.

People with OCD often wash their hands after touching certain objects, places, or tasks. This is because they believe that they have come in contact with dirt or germs. The symptoms range from frequent hand washing to harsh scrubbing with disinfectants. Some people even wash their faces and throat several times a day. The signs of OCD may be difficult to identify unless the person is suffering from another condition. However, early interventions can greatly reduce the severity of OCD and reduce the likelihood of relapse.

Compulsions are excessive

In OCD, people with excessive cleaning rituals engage in repetitive and irrational behavior to relieve or avoid distress. These actions are irrational, repetitive, and often unrelated to the cause of anxiety. Some people may perform certain actions to wash their hands and others may repeatedly do something to make sure that the house is sterile. These actions can become rituals that people do repeatedly to avoid anxiety, reduce their stress, or to keep things ‘just right.’ Other times, the repetitive actions can be completely irrational, but to the person suffering from the disorder, they cannot stop themselves from acting.

Treatment options

Cleaning disorder is a type of obsessive-compulsive disorder. While many people suffer from compulsions to clean and maintain orderliness, some individuals are enslaved by an intense, distressing need to keep things clean. The DSM-5, the authoritative guide to psychological disorders, describes OCD as “a pattern of thoughts or behaviors that may be triggered by a particular situation, such as a visual image of an object or a contaminated area.”

People with this condition spend much of their time suppressing thoughts and behaviors that are detrimental to their well-being. Often, these people are unable to express their anger, which is likely a contributing factor. Other people with cleaning disorder struggle to express their anger or may experience personal trauma. Intrusive thoughts about harming others or themselves are also common. As a result, these people tend to clean excessively, often resulting in stress and anxiety.

Impact on daily life

Obsessive-compulsive disorder, or OCD, is a mental illness in which a person is obsessed with cleaning. This disorder causes a person to become obsessed with cleanliness and neatness, even to the point of hoarding items. These items become emotionally attached to the sufferer and throwing them away causes great distress. The symptoms of this disorder can make a person feel completely powerless. In addition to the physical symptoms, a sufferer of this disorder will likely take many baths during a day.


A Diagnosis of cleaning disorder is important for the individual with the problem. This condition can be incredibly frustrating, and there are several misconceptions that can make it difficult to get a proper diagnosis. People who do not fit the typical definition of OCD are less likely to accept the diagnosis. For example, some people may think that it simply means you like to keep everything clean, or that they have to wash their hands constantly. Others may make fun of people with OCD by teasing them about their obsession with cleanliness. Nevertheless, the truth is that people with OCD can experience many symptoms, and a proper diagnosis can help reduce the amount of time a person spends dealing with the disorder.

People with OCD may also be incredibly clean, but their obsession with keeping their home spotless could indicate that they are suffering from obsessive-compulsive disorder. This condition is characterized by obsessive thoughts and compulsions that make it nearly impossible for them to function normally. This condition must lead to severe mental anguish for the person to be diagnosed, and there is no single diagnostic standard.

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About the Author: James Quinto

James is a content creator who works in the personal development niche.