Plant Medicine | Spring Washam

Plant Medicine | Spring Washam

Spring Washam at Wisdom 2.0 discussing the ancient wisdom of plant medicine. We can’t wait to see her on our stage again next month!
#shorts #plantmedicine
#love #selflove #selfcare #motivation
#mentalhealth #inspiration #healing
#mindset #wellness #springwasham #happiness
#presence #health #peace
#wisdom #positivity #loveyourself
#gratitude#spiritual #consciousness
#compassion #selfhelp #presentmoment #wellbeing

Now when you're working with all of These plants Set and setting is key right I'm sure Many of you have had a bad trip maybe at Disneyland or somewhere like that right We did it all wrong right what I have Learned in addition to the Buddhist Wisdom is I have learned from the Indigenous people That is very key I'm here to really share with you about The power of learning from those people Who have carried plant medicine rather It's the people carrying peyote or the Uh the grandmothers in Oaxaca Mexico With the mushrooms they've been using Psilocybin for hundreds of years healing This isn't a new phenomena that started In the 50s this is ancient this is the Earth itself offering us help right now


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About the Author: James Quinto

James is a content creator who works in the personal development niche.