See our page for the full vid and check out our website to see them speak at our next conference!

See our page for the full vid and check out our website to see them speak at our next conference!

Noticing the anticipating it's like if You want a little fear and Terror get a Future And just in case that's not enough if You want a little depression get a past And notice how you react when you Believe these thoughts it's like you're Scattered but it's okay you know just Notice who would you be without What you're thinking and believing that Judgment in the moment and Aware and connected you framed this you Know it's like okay are you and I the Same or different Yeah sure it's a familiar koan in the Zen tradition yeah because it undoes the Mind that thinks And so I like to think of all of these Things


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About the Author: James Quinto

James is a content creator who works in the personal development niche.