Spinal Energy Flow – Kundalini, Chakras, Innate Intelligence, and More

Various aspects of our body are influenced by spinal energy flow. These include the flow of CSF (cerebrospinal fluid), spinal breathing, chakras, innate intelligence, and more. This article discusses some of these aspects.


Depending on your individual experiences, Kundalini and spinal energy flow may be painful, uncomfortable, or even healing. However, Kundalini is a powerful force that can transform your spiritual life.

Kundalini and spinal energy flow is a powerful, life-giving energy that flows throughout the body. It combines individual consciousness with universal consciousness. This flow of energy allows us to transform our emotions and experience an expanded state of consciousness. It is believed that Kundalini energy is stored at the base of the spine and flows freely through the seven chakras. This energy can be activated through Kundalini yoga or meditation.

Kundalini and spinal energy are both dormant in most people. However, a person can activate the energy through intense practices such as breathing exercises and meditation.

Kundalini and spinalenergy flow can also be experienced as electrical sensations. In this case, the energy may expand into the higher body, such as the brain, and can bring up emotions and discomfort. If this happens, it is important to seek help.


CHAKRAS are energy centers that are located along the spinal column. They are thought to have several functions. Among other things, they are thought to help the mind function at a higher level. The endocrine system is also thought to regulate the physical and emotional functions of the body.

The seven major chakras are believed to be located along the spine. Each of these chakras has a name and its own energetic realm.

The Root Chakra, also known as Muladhara, is located at the base of the spine. It is thought to be related to survival, basic trust, and dependency. When this chakra is out of balance, it can cause feelings of insecurity, frustration, or anger.

The Solar Plexus Chakra is located just above the stomach. It is thought to promote cheerfulness and lightness of spirit. When this chakra is out of balance, you may experience feelings of frustration, scepticism, or stubbornness.

CSF flow

Flow of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) in the spinal cord is an important factor in maintaining the homeostasis of the nervous system. This fluid serves a number of functions, including the transportation of neurotransmitters and the removal of metabolic waste. It also acts as a fluid buffer, providing neutral buoyancy. It also plays a key role in basic immunological protection. CSF is constantly produced and secreted at a rate of 0.2-0.7 ml/min. This fluid is produced from the specialized tissue called the choroid plexus.

CSF enters the spinal cord through a number of routes, including the perivascular space, the arachnoid granulations, and the lumbar cistern. After entering the spinal cord, the CSF travels through the subarachnoid space of the brain and spinal cord. After circulating through the central canal of the spinal cord, some CSF enters the cisterna magna and the fourth ventricle.

Innate Intelligence

Originally, chiropractors believed that a spinal adjustment removed interference to the nervous system. Later, they came to realize that the body has intrinsic healing abilities. The term “Innate Intelligence” is now used to describe this healing process.

This is the foundation of chiropractic care. It works to remove interference to the communication network between the brain and the body. Whenever a vertebrae is misaligned, this puts pressure on the spinal nerve. This results in distorted signals that enter and exit out of a small space between the two vertebrae.

The nervous system acts as the master communication network for Innate Intelligence. It controls every function of the body. When the energy system is disrupted, disease occurs.

The central nervous system is composed of the brain and spinal cord. These two organs are responsible for the body’s many functions. They also send signals to the peripheral nervous system. These signals travel down the spinal cord and are then relayed to the rest of the body through the nerves.

Spinal breathing

Whether you’re a yogi or a non-yogi, spinal breathing can be a useful exercise. The spine is your body’s main channel for life force. However, many people are only vaguely aware of their spine. Using spinal breathing asanas will help you become more conscious of the spine and how it relates to your mind.

There are two types of spinal breathing. The Taoist method involves stretching the spine, opening it up, and strengthening the vertebrae. It is also taught in stages. It is best to start with a set of four to nine asanas, which should take about ten to thirty minutes.

There are also many simple exercises you can try to get a sense of your spine’s shape. These exercises will also help you tune into the flow of energy.

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About the Author: James Quinto

James is a content creator who works in the personal development niche.