Surrender: A Deep Sleep Meditation of Letting Go and Embracing the Present Moment | Mindful Movement

Surrender: A Deep Sleep Meditation of Letting Go and Embracing the Present Moment | Mindful Movement

Let it all go tonight. Trust the present moment and know that everything will work out. Surrender to love, so you can let go of fear. Enjoy the peace that comes from surrendering.

The spiritual practice of surrendering and the lesson you learn when you allow and accept isn’t about giving up. Surender and acceptance are about letting go of the unnecessary added layer of suffering that comes when you resist and fight reality. Surrendering gives you the strength and freedom to look for a different way and make a change. It allows you to move out of being a victim. It puts you in the flow state so you can receive the support of the universe.

“Surrender is like a fish finding the current and going with it.” ~Mark Nepo

Meditation written and read by Sara Raymond
Music Credit: Enlighten Me (Theta) by Christopher Lloyd Clarke Licensed by Enlightened Audio

Do not listen while driving. Meditation and mindful movement are powerful tools to support you. This is not a substitute for medical care. Consult a doctor or trusted health professional if needed.
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#sleepmeditation #surrender #meditation

Let it all go tonight Trust the present moment And know that everything will work out Surrender to love So you can let go of fear Enjoy the peace that comes from Surrendering The spiritual practice of surrendering And the lesson you learn when you allow And accept isn't about giving up Surrender and acceptance are about Letting go of the unnecessary added Layer of suffering that comes when you Resist and fight reality Surrendering gives you the strength and Freedom to look for a different way and Make a change It allows you to move out of being a Victim It puts you in the Flow State so you can Receive the support of the universe Welcome to the mindful movement I'm Sarah Raymond As you prepare yourself for deep and Healing sleep I invite you to make yourself Comfortable Find a position where you can relax Deeply Feel safe in your body and environment Surrender to sleep when you are ready Close your eyes and allow your attention To gradually move to your inner Experience

Tune out the outside world You are beginning to shift into an Introspective state Where you can connect with yourself As your energy gradually slows down Take a few deep breaths And let go of the day Breathe in slowly through your nose And exhale completely through your mouth You can let go of the past So you don't carry it into the present [Music] Encourage each exhale to get longer And slower Than the one before it Allow this slowing down of your breath To be the catalyst For your mind and body to slow down and Let go As you notice yourself slowing down With these deep cleansing breaths Allow your breath to become natural An automatic When you are ready [Music] Each natural breath in Allow yourself to be replenished And rejuvenated With fresh oxygen And energy Each breath out Is a time to release Release any unwanted Energies And allow the energy and qualities you

Desire To build within you This is your time to heal and let go With each exhale let go of tension in Your body Let go of the past And surrender to the present [Music] Let go of resistance And shift into a flow state As you breathe Allow your body to relax completely With patience and Trust That your next breath will come when you Are ready Trust in the natural and organic rhythm Of your breath When you lean into trusting your breath And the lesson you receive from your Breath You can allow this lesson and building Trust To spread out To other areas of your life As you continue to let any tension or Stress Drift Away You can sink deeper And deeper Into relaxation Take a moment to consider this quote From Mark nepo Surrender is like a fish Finding the current And going with it

Allow your breath To invite surrender To your entire experience Find the current And go with it Where in your body Can you surrender Where in your mind Can you surrender How can you go with the current Even more Now focus on the feeling of your body Letting go To be completely supported By the surface beneath you Feel the weight of your body As it becomes heavier And more relaxed With each passing moment [Music] Allow yourself to become completely Still and calm [Music] As you continue to relax And let go Subtly more with each passing moment Imagine the peaceful and safe scene Of a beautiful Calm Beach This may be a beach you have been to Before Or one that exists only in your mind Picture yourself in this place Enjoying the tranquility

And serenity Of the surroundings See the waves flowing into the shore And then moving back out to the vastness Of the ocean Notice the rhythmic nature of the waves As they surrender To the flow As you continue to imagine this peaceful Scene Notice your breath once more Sense the similarity of your breath With the rhythm of the waves And allow yourself to surrender To the energetic flow Of the waves of your breath With each exhale Let go Accept a bit more And surrender A little bit more Now visualize a wave of relaxation Washing over your entire body As this energetic wave passes over you Allow yourself to become even more Relaxed And at ease [Music] Feel your muscles becoming looser And more relaxed And allow your mind to drift Into a peaceful state As you continue to breathe and relax In your mind you notice

That there are ten steps From where you are on the sand To get to the water In a moment As I count down from ten to one You will safely walk along the sand Toward the water In the rhythm of the waves With each step you take You feel more relaxed and at ease 10. Nine Eight You are enjoying the rhythm of the waves Seven Six Five You are becoming more and more relaxed For Three Two And one You are ready to surrender and Trust As you feel the water gently caress your Toes As you reach the water you are in the Deepest Most healing State of relaxation And now that you have reached the water In your imagination You find yourself in a peaceful And safe state Where you are ready to trust

Because you feel safe You recognize this as the sanctuary of Your mind A place where you can rest and Rejuvenate Allow yourself to sink even deeper into Relaxation Feeling completely safe And secure In this peaceful place You can feel the warm water As the waves Flow over your feet Subtle sunshine Like a soft Warm blanket Wrapping around you Comforting you And bringing you even deeper into Relaxation Feel the soothing warmth of the Sun's Light And healing energy As it envelops you The sun brings a sense of calm And serenity The energy of the sunlight Warms and relaxes your entire body From your toes To the top of your head Allowing you to get closer and closer to Sleep Bring your attention to your toes now Feel the warm

Soft light Shining on them [Music] Allow this light to relax your toes Completely Letting go of any tension or stress Now now move your attention up To your ankles Imagine the warm light Spreading to every muscle and bone Feel this area completely relax And become heavy Next focus on your lower legs Feeling the light washing over them And releasing any tension As you move your awareness up to your Thighs Feel the light spreading through every Fiber of your muscles Let go of any tension and stress Feeling your thighs relax Now move your attention to your stomach Imagining the sun's warmth soothing any Discomfort Or tension Allow your stomach to rise and fall with Each breath Feeling completely calm Bring your attention to your chest Feeling the sun's energy Expand your chest And allow you to breathe deeper and Easier Allow yourself to feel the love and

Compassion you have for yourself This moment Move your attention up to your shoulders Feeling the warm light Melting any tightness or discomfort Allow your shoulders to soften And let go [Music] Now sense your arms and hands Feeling the light Spreading through your muscles and bones Let go of any holding Or tightness And allow yourself To feel completely At ease [Music] Bring your attention to your neck and Head now Feel the sun's powerful healing energy Soothing any discomfort or tension Imagine the warm light washing over your Face Allowing your forehead to smooth And let go Because you are ready to trust And be in the flow You continue to walk along the shore [Music] Ahead of you you see an area where there Are many small smooth stones on the sand As you approach the stones You feel a sense of calm And safety enveloping you

The sun is shining overhead Casting a warm and inviting light Over this scene As you walk towards the stones You pick one up and hold it It feels warmed by the Sun And you notice its smoothness As you hold it you feel your tension and Stress Dissolving And being replaced by a deep sense of Calm and acceptance Now as you stand at the edge of the Water You feel ready to let go of the stones And anything that is weighing you down [Music] As you let go you feel a deep Sense of relaxation And surrender You realize that just like the water in The ocean And the stones You too can let go of any tension or Stress And surrender to the present moment As you stand there you continue to feel The waves Flowing around your feet You feel the water massaging your toes And you feel yourself Becoming more And more relaxed and sleepy with each Passing moment

You choose to pick up a few more stones Let them go into the water Each stone Represents something you are letting go Of And surrendering As each one sinks to the bottom You feel a deep sense of release And letting go As you stand on the sand Feeling the warm sun on your skin And the gentle waves on your feet You feel a deep sense of peace The tranquility You know that you can carry this feeling Of safety And Tranquility with you While you sleep deeply Now you can let go of the scene in your Imagination And allow your mind and body to drift to Sleep In this state Of deep relaxation You can allow yourself To trust And surrender to sleep when you are Ready As you drift deeper and deeper into Relaxation Allow my voice To guide you into a peaceful sleep Let your thoughts slip away now As you let go into sleep

Allow these words to gently sink in Without trying As you allow your conscious listening to Fade Sometimes you may resist the energetic Universal flow And hold on to expectations And the need for control It's like the ocean You must surrender to the ebb and flow Of life Trust Surrender is not giving up It is letting go of the things you Cannot control With surrender You can learn to go with the flow You can learn to be supported By the energy of the universe Let go of the need to control And watch as the universe unfolds Trust In the Journey Trust In the process To surrender is a powerful allowance It is a lesson to learn It is an action to practice As you let go and release your hold You will feel the freedom that comes With this surrendering Allow yourself to surrender to my voice And let it lead you Into a deep And restful sleep

While your subconscious is listening To these statements Of surrender Trust And acceptance I trust in the universe to provide for Me I release my worries And surrender to the present moment Trust in my past My journey I let go and allow the universe to guide Me I trust that everything is working out For my highest good I am open to receiving blessings from The universe I trust in the power of the universe to Bring me what I need I Surrender my fears and embrace the Unknown I trust that I am exactly where I need To be I let go of control And Trust in the natural flow of life I trust in the journey and know that Everything is unfolding as it should I Surrender control And allow the universe to guide me Toward my highest good Faith that everything will work out in My favor Even if it doesn't seem like it at the Moment

I release my fears and doubts And trust that I am being supported by The universe I let go of my need for certainty and Embrace the unknown with an open mind And heart Thank you I am confident in my ability to handle Any changes that come my way With Grace and resilience But the universe has a plan for me And I am grateful For all the blessings and lessons that Come my way I Surrender my attachment to outcomes And focus on the present moment Where true peace and joy reside [Music] I believe in my own power and strength And trust that I can overcome any Obstacles on my path I surrender to the flow of life And trust that it will lead me toward My Ultimate purpose Like a leaf carried by the wind I surrender to the flow of life Trusting That it will take me where I need to go Trust in the divine plan Knowing that each step I take Is Guided by a force greater than myself In the depths of uncertainty I find solace in the knowledge that all Is well

And I am exactly where I am meant to be I trust in the Unseen energy that guides Me Leading me toward my true purpose and Calling As I surrender to the present moment I find peace In the knowledge And all that I seek is already with me I let go of my fears and doubts Allow my intuition to be my guide Trusting in its wisdom to Lead Me toward My highest good I trust in the universe to provide for Me I release my worries and surrender to The present moment Trust in My journey [Music] I let go and allow the universe to guide Me I trust that everything is working out For my highest good [Music] I am open to receiving blessings from The universe [Music] I trust in the power of the universe to Bring me what I need I Surrender my fears and embrace the Unknown I trust that I am exactly where I need To be

I let go of control And Trust in the natural flow of life I trust in the journey and know that Everything is unfolding I as it should I Surrender control And allow the universe to guide me Toward my highest good Faith that everything will work out in My favor Even if it doesn't seem like it at the Moment [Music] I release my fears and doubts And trust that I am being supported by The universe I let go of my need for certainty And embrace the unknown with an open Mind and heart I am confident in my ability to handle Any changes that come my way With Grace and resilience The universe has a plan for me And I am grateful For all the blessings and lessons that Come my way I Surrender my attachment to outcomes And focus on the present moment Where true peace and joy reside I believe in my own power and strength Trust that I can overcome any obstacles On my path I surrender to the flow of life And trust that it will lead me toward My Ultimate purpose

Like a leaf carried by the wind I surrender to the flow of life Trusting That it will take me where I need to go [Music] Trust in the divine plan Knowing that each step I take Is Guided by a force greater than myself In the depths of uncertainty I find solace in the knowledge that all Is well And I am exactly where I am meant to be I trust in the Unseen energy that guides Me Leading me toward my true purpose and Calling As I surrender to the present moment I find peace In the knowledge And all that I seek is already with me [Music] I let go of my fears and doubts And allow my intuition to be my guide Trusting in its wisdom to Lead Me toward My highest good Sleep now Deeply and soundly Knowing that you are safe Calm And that peace When you wake you will feel refreshed And rejuvenated Ready to face the day ahead With a deep sense of calm

And acceptance You are ready to trust And be in the state of flow As you sleep now [Music] Foreign [Music] [Music] Foreign [Music] [Music] Foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] Foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Foreign [Music] Foreign [Music] [Music] Foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] Foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] Foreign

[Music] Foreign [Music] Foreign [Music] Foreign [Laughter] Foreign [Music] [Laughter] [Music] Foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] Foreign [Music] Foreign [Music]


  • James Quinto

    James is a content creator who works in the personal development niche. Quinto James

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About the Author: James Quinto

James is a content creator who works in the personal development niche.