What is the Purpose of Meditation?

Meditation is a practice which helps people understand their lives better. Its roots can be traced back to Buddhist and Northern Indian traditions. Various schools of thought have developed from this ancient art and philosophy. PYM aims to help people learn more about the practice and how it can benefit them.

Transcendental meditation

The goal of meditation is to clear your mind and achieve inner peace. But before you start meditating, it is essential to find a certified teacher or mentor who can guide you in the process. This way, you can benefit from the experience of meditation without putting your life at risk.

Transcendental Meditation is a technique that focuses on bringing stillness, clarity, and renewed energy into your everyday life. It also provides a reboot to your nervous system, reducing your stress and anxiety levels. Research has shown that meditating regularly leads to a 30 percent decrease in the stress hormone cortisol. By comparison, a good night’s sleep will reduce your cortisol by about 10%. This makes Transcendental Meditation an especially good option for people struggling with stress.

Sufi meditation

In Sufi meditation, one aims to remain conscious of the Divine at all times. This entails the cessation of duality and complete merging with the Beloved. In order to achieve this, the seeker must cleanse the mind of negative thoughts, which can stand in the way of attaining oneness.

Meditation can be of many forms. Some types of Sufi meditation involve reciting the Islamic names of God. Other forms of Sufi meditation focus on specific syllables and sounds, such as vowels, which are believed to cleanse the pineal gland and cleanse the soul of psychological stress. This is vital for a person’s mental health.

Buddhist meditation

The purpose of Buddhist meditation is to cultivate mental enlightenment. This involves training the mind to be still and focused on one object for an extended period of time. This process also involves breaking the mind’s habit of flitting between objects. This is one of the earliest goals of Buddhist meditation.

The Buddha explained that the purpose of meditation is to develop merit, a measure of wisdom. This merit helps all those who practice it experience greater happiness in this life and on the next. Ultimately, merit helps to make the path to enlightenment easier. It is the most tangible reason to practice Buddhist meditation.

Hindu meditation

Hindu meditation is an important part of Hinduism and has been practiced for centuries. Hindu meditation is an exercise in quieting the mind and tuning in to the Divine. The technique of meditation is based on the belief that everyone originates from a spiritual source known as Brahman. When beings are separated from this source, they lose touch with their spiritual nature, making it necessary to use a technique to reconnect with their true nature. In the West, Hindu meditation gained popularity during the counterculture when The Beatles began studying Transcendental Meditation in Rishikesh.

In Sikhism, early morning meditation is considered an important part of daily worship. This period of silence is called Amrit Vela, and it is the best time of day for the soul to shed its ego and merge with the divinity. Sikhism requires meditation practitioners to practice meditation regularly and actively, and it is also expected of them to sing hymns to God.


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About the Author: James Quinto

James is a content creator who works in the personal development niche.