Write the Story of Your Life | Mini Meditation #shorts | Mindful Movement

Write the Story of Your Life | Mini Meditation #shorts  | Mindful Movement

//Next: 25-Minute Morning Meditation to Support Positive Change

FREE New Beginnings Personal Retreat: A body, mind, spirit approach to creating and actually achieving your goals.

How you do one thing is how you do Everything You are always writing the story of your Life Yet you may fall into the Trap of Writing the story that's familiar Even if it's not the story you want The good news is you can change your Story if you choose At the source of each behavior is a Thought If you change your thoughts you can Change your behaviors It only takes a moment Pause Thought To choose to go a new way You can begin to write a new story Think about the story you would like to Read a year from now And begin to write that story


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About the Author: James Quinto

James is a content creator who works in the personal development niche.