Animal Yoga Flow for Athletes & Jiu-Jitsu

Animal Yoga Flow for Athletes & Jiu-Jitsu

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00:00 Introduction
03:40 Warm Up
10:20 Flow Practice
14:20 Integration

Animal Hug – Giants Nest

Love and Gratitude,
Bre & Flo


Breathe and Flow is a travel, yoga and lifestyle channel owned by Bre and Flo Niedhammer. Knowing that the body benefits from movement while the mind benefits from stillness, we share our philosophy of mental stillness through the fluidity of a strong practice. Bre and Flo are Registered Yoga Teachers (RYT) with Yoga Alliance® holding the highest certifications as E-RYT500, and are also Yoga Alliance Continuing Education Providers (YACEP). Combined they are trained in Vinyasa yoga, Hatha yoga, Yin yoga, Myofascial Release (MFR), Reiki, pre- and postnatal yoga, Functional Movement Screen (FMS) Level 1 and 2, Animal Flow, Kinstretch, Functional Range Conditioning (FRC) mobility training, Functional Range Assessment (FRA) and structural bodywork (Anatomy Trains). Bre and Flo have taught at several premium yoga studios for many years and are teaching their teacher trainings, retreats, workshops and at festivals around the world. They currently live in Las Vegas, Nevada. Learn more about them and their certifications on their website:

All content on our channel is subject to copyright or other intellectual property ownership by Breathe and Flow LLC. The ideas, classes, tutorials, exercises, workouts and other opinions expressed here reflect our experiences and opinions and are not intended to be, or to replace, medical advice. We do not hold ourselves out to be dietitians, nutritionists or medical professionals. Please consult your doctor before starting any diet or exercise program. By using our site, and by watching our content, you understand and agree that neither Breathe and Flow nor any persons associated with it have any liability to you for any injury or loss you may suffer in connection with any content we may post. Some of the links used above are affiliate links through which Breathe and Flow earns a commission when products are bought using these links. We have no patience for internet trolls and negative unconstructive comments. Users that leave such comments will be blocked from the channel forever.

#breatheandflow #yoga #yogawithbnf

You can always use the chapter markers In the player below to skip ahead if you Want to and then go straight to the Practice Welcome to another video my name is Flo Thank you so much for being here with me And today I'm sharing with you a yoga Flow slash animal flow let's say a flow Practice for jiu jitsu so a flow for BJJ But you can also use this class for Really any sport any activity that you Do before maybe to warm up or after or Any time the thing with all the training And sports and activities we do is that A lot of them are very specific so the Jitsu very specific surfing is very Specific baseball tennis whatever you're Doing is pretty specific Sport and if You only do specific training and Specific practices over time the body Starts to usually compensate and things Get a little bit out of balance let's Say this is why it's important to Practice a lot on the general movement Generic movement generic capacity the Movement capacity of the body so that You can apply these generic things to The specific training that you're doing And that way you stay injury free Hopefully I wish you the best to stay Out of injury you can also heal from Injury and you just overall become a Better athlete a better practitioner Whatever you want to call yourself so

This is my attempt to share just another Practice in your toolbox that you can Use today I'm also wearing my own Collection of activewear which I Designed in combination with token chill A brand in Germany that does Jiu Jitsu Clothing For nogi jiu jitsu or also for hiking For climbing for surfing I also like to Wear it as a base layer on cold or days Or for a practice like today's practice It's a limited edition and we only have A couple of items more available so if You want to check it out support the Channel check in the description there's All the information As you can see I'm also in a new space I'm currently filming at the Academy of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu in Las Vegas I live In Las Vegas and I train here and at the Time of filming this I actually teach Every Saturday yoga for BJJ class which Is open to all you don't have to be a Member of this Academy but maybe you Want to be so we can roll and train Together and you can come more regularly But if you're in town or if you live Here come by every Saturday when this Video will be published I'm not sure if That's still going to be the case or Whenever you're seeing this maybe you See this in 2025 and then maybe I'm not Doing this anymore so check below again With the academy you can contact them

There and they will give you all the Information and the last announcement Before we finally get into the practice And this is why I said you can always Use the channel markers in the beginning Is that if you cannot practice with me In person here or you would like to see More or learn more about yoga 4 Jiu Jitsu to really improve YouTube to Become a better athlete in really any Activity not just Jiu Jitsu and stay Injury-free then you can check out my Yoga for BJJ program I have that also Available on a separate platform all the Information as always down in the Description enough talking for now let's Get into the practice we start on The floor so to say don't even need a Mat I wanted to say on the map we start On the floor in a squat come into a Squat I know I'm Already asking a lot of you a lot from You by coming into a squat but It's it should be a position that you Are able to come into at least to work Your way into it I will just stay here for a moment you Can put your hands wherever you want And from this quad we now start to Straighten the legs for forward fold Inhale lift up halfway lengthen through The spine And exhale fold down

We roll up to standing The Arms Reach up Deep breath in Exhale hands down to the heart Inhale reach the arms up Exhale forward fold we're moving with The breath Inhale lift up halfway Exhale squat down Stay for the inhale Exhale forward fold Inhale lift up halfway Exhale fold Inhale rise up to standing however you Want arms up deep breath in exhale hands Down to the heart Inhale Arms Reach up Exhale forward fold Inhale lift up halfway Exhale squat Stay for the inhale Exhale forward fold Inhale lift up halfway Exhale fold Inhale rise up or roll up to standing Deep breath in the arms up Exhale hands down Inhale reach up Exhale fold Inhale lift up Halfway Exhale squat down Now from the squat we will continue with The sequence of three rounds but we will Now add to bring the knees forward and

Down coming in over the toes to stretch Out the feet Once the knees land you move the hips Forward open the arms pull the arms back Open the chest Engage The glutes exhale you close the Front come back to a squat and we Straighten the legs Inhale lift up halfway Exhale fold Inhale rise up Exhale hands to the heart Inhale reach the arms up Exhale fold Inhale lift up halfway Exhale squat Stay for the breath in Exhale knees down and forward inhale Open the front pull the arms back Engage The glutes open the front body Exhale close move the hips back come Into a squat inhale here Exhale forward fold Inhale lift up Exhale fold Roll up to standing arms up Deep breath in exhale hands down Inhale reach up Exhale fold Inhale lift up Exhale squat Stay for the inhale Exhale knees forward and down inhale Open the front to open the chest

Exhale close come back to a squat last One forward fold Lift up halfway Exhale fold down Roll up Arms up breath and hands to the heart Inhale arms up Exhale fold Lift up halfway Exhale squat Let's do one more open in the front so Nice Knees Down open the front And close and squat Let's set the knees down Come into a tabletop Another wrist released before we Continue so stay on the toes and Slide The hands a bit Back Lean Forward and Back Over the wrists you feel a strong Sensation there one more Internally rotate the hands continue Forward and back One more Externally rotate forward and back It's back now the fingertips are Pointing towards the knees Lean back And then bend one arm and then the other And sit back onto the toes the heels Shake out the hands We go through a little flow now it's More of the animal flow practice but it Mixed in with some yoga elements yoga

Movement practice elements of course you Want to stay always connected to the Breath But I don't expect you to get this flow Right away and to be able to follow Along so I will share this flow share This practice and then you can always And I encourage you to always go back And re-watch the part so when you follow Along and you miss something just go Back and then re-watch it and you can Also watch on a slow motion speed I Think the the player allows to slow down The the speed so you can always watch it A bit slower and we'll just go through It once right and left And then you can always click back and Kind of familiarize yourself with that Flow integrated into your practice We start in a loaded Beast From here we do a right leg front reach Beast reach Knee comes towards the elbow the armpit Look a bit more forward Three-legged dog right leg up and back Bend the right knee open stack the hip Bend your left knee a little bit On your exhale right leg under switch Left leg under switch Two and loaded Beast I'm gonna rotate so you can see me so From loaded Beast we continue right leg Front step Left leg front kick through

Step the left foot back Bring the right hand down skandasana to The left High or low just make sure the heel is On the ground From here we move towards the right foot For crescent lunge Left arm forward Right arm back Revolved Crescent Reverse it if you want to On your exhale skanda Asana to the left Move to the front frame the right foot Step the right foot back plank One push-up Plank Downward facing dog And loaded Beast set loaded Beast other Side Left leg B's reach Look a bit more forward Three legged dog Left leg up and back Bend the left knee open stack the hip Bend the right hip the right knee a bit As well Deep breath in Exhale left leg under switch Right leg under switch We land back in loaded Beast From loaded Beast left leg front step Right leg front kick through Step the right foot back Left hand down skandasana to the right

Move towards the left foot Crest and lunge Right arm forward left arm back revolved Crescent Reverse it Exhale scandasana to the right Plank pose frame the left foot stamp the Left foot back Shift forward charuanga Plank Downward facing dog move the hips up and Back Bring the feet a bit while the apart And of course you can re-watch that part And I recommend doing this flow two Three times If you want a really great way to move With this wide-legged down dog we roll Through the spine forward special focus On the spine really segmenting Articulating focusing moving the spine We will forward into upward facing dog Look straight ahead Stay on the toes as they are And up and back Downward facing dog Four more Just like that Two more And back to downward facing dog Roll forward to Plank and then lower all The way to the ground shift forward come High onto the toes bend your arms five For

Four three two one All the way to the belly Becoming two Sphinx pose On the forearms the elbows underneath The shoulders bring the feet wide apart Especially if the The back your back is bothering you And open the front breathe into the Spine to lengthen the spine to open the Front more Press into the elbows press into the Palms if you want to go deeper Straighten your arms And just stay for as long as you you Feel like it if you want to come out Earlier of course you can You can also lower the elbows and lift For five Four wherever you are keep the butt Cheeks Engaged flexed Three Two And one lower all the way down To the belly shake out the hips And then we lift everything up for low Cost hold just for about 20 seconds 10 9. 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 another ten Nine maybe your arms out to the sides Seven Six five arms over the head four

Three Two One and release down shake out the hips One more time Bring your extend your right arm out to The side Bring your feet together bend your left Knee and bring the left foot over to the Right hand You can keep the head lifted or try to Let it hang down Reach your left knee more towards the Right Towards the right hand On your exhale come back down to the Belly And we switch sides On your exhale come back down to the Belly And push back To a seated position If you have a belt nearby I want to Share with you one more quick exercise Just to make it complete so grab your Belt I have to grab mine too And if you don't have one it's all good You don't have to do this one but just To make it complete I wanted to share With you This quick stretch so any kind of belt Works it doesn't have to be Jiu Jitsu it Could also be Any anything you have or any band you Can do the standing or seated

It's easier if you grab really wide it's A bit more challenging the more narrow You go so just start with something and Then you keep the arm straight very Important and you bring the arms up and Over the head back and down keep the Arms straight the whole time and then as You come through I don't want to see Like one arm Bend and struggling to make It work then just bring the hands wider Apart Come forward and down and we do about 10 Of those Also when you're coming up and back Notice if you start to flare the ribs And open the front basically back bend Stop doing that too And keep the core engaged As much as you can and if it's super Hard then of course bring the the grip a Bit wider I'm usually starting a wider And then going more narrow This is super nice for the shoulders I Think some people call this shoulder Flossing It's very good I do this every day Let's do five more And one more because it feels so nice I'm trying to go a little bit more Narrow Just feels amazing just like when you're Flossing your teeth Hmm Which you probably all do not nearly

Enough but every time we do it It feels nice just like this one and With so many other things right When I put the belt aside And sit tall place your hands in your Lap We close out with a short meditation Just two minutes Close your eyes Sit tall Feel The air coming in and out through the Nose And simply focus on that That motion Be with it fully Let's finish up this practice with three Deep breaths take a deep breath in for The lungs all the way up to the top Open mouth Let It Go Two more like that Bring your hands to the heart in front Of you And thank yourself for showing up Thank yourself for making time today to Practice Maybe trying something new Maybe sitting in meditation for the First time for two minutes The beginning of a great journey Thank you very much for allowing me to Share this practice with you today I hope I see you again on the mat Tomorrow

Maybe here on the platform for another Video Or in my yoga for BJJ program Again all the things I mentioned in this Class are in the description below And if you want to support this channel Further It's just one click away hit the Subscribe button but it really helps us As creators out a lot consider it if not That's fine come back tomorrow enjoy the Class Much love and gratitude peace


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About the Author: James Quinto

James is a content creator who works in the personal development niche.