Forest by Heartfulness | Plantation drive by Paypal | Hyderabad, Kanha Shanti Vanam | Bengaluru

Forest by Heartfulness | Plantation drive by Paypal | Hyderabad, Kanha Shanti Vanam | Bengaluru

In a world where environmental conservation is becoming increasingly important, Heartfulness and Paypal have taken an admirable step towards creating a greener globe. Recently, they organized a forest plantation drive at Kanha Shanti Vanam, Hyderabad, and Bengaluru, with the intention of planting more trees and promoting sustainability. With such initiatives, we can ensure that future generations inherit a better world. In this blog post, we delve into the details of this incredible event and the role it plays in the fight against global warming.

The Forest by Heartfulness: A Collaborative Affair


Recent times have witnessed an increasing concern for environmental degradation and a pressing need to adopt sustainable practices. Leading the way is Heartfulness Institute, a worldwide nonprofit organization that advocates mindful living and meditation. With the aim to support sustainable forestry initiatives in India, they have partnered with PayPal for a plantation drive in Hyderabad and Kanha Shanti Vanam, Bengaluru. This unique collaboration is set to make a significant impact on the environment while encouraging human involvement and social responsibility.

Making a Difference

The forestation project undertaken by Heartfulness Institute and PayPal is a two-pronged initiative. Firstly, it aims to offer a visual treat of lush greenery, a paradise for nature lovers, and tourists alike. Secondly, it supports the local communities, who will benefit from the employment opportunities and other environmental gains. It is a win-win situation for the environment and its people.

Heartfulness Meditation and Sustainable Practices

Heartfulness Institute’s work is not limited to the plantation drive with PayPal. They offer Heartfulness Meditation, an effective and accessible means to live a healthier and mindful life. Heartfulness Meditation provides a cost-effective solution for those seeking to reduce their carbon footprint in their pursuit of well-being. They realize that the biggest threats to the environment have arisen from human behavior and thus focus on mindful living backed by meditation.

Sustainability in Practice

The Heartfulness Institute supports sustainable forestry practices in India, including choosing the right species of trees and nurturing them through appropriate care practices. The institute provides online training and maintains trainers and meditation centers worldwide to inspire a new generation of ecologically conscious individuals. They have released books such as Heartfulness Way by Daaji and Designing Destiny to promote mindfulness and sustainable living.

Purchase with Purpose

Heartfulness Institute has established an online store,, where Indian customers can buy sustainable and eco-friendly products. It is a one-stop-shop that offers a wide range of products such as organic food, eco-friendly bags, and upcycled furniture, to name a few. By selling products that are environmentally sound, they demonstrate that mindfulness and sustainable practices extend beyond meditation and reach into our purchasing choices.

Spreading the Word

The institute has a strong online presence, with social media accounts on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn, where they share information on sustainable living and Heartfulness Meditation. They also have Toll-free numbers available for India and US/Canada inquiries to ensure that they reach out to people as far and wide as possible.


Heartfulness Institute’s initiative with PayPal is a commendable one that aims to bring about lasting environmental change. It expands and reinforces Heartfulness Institute’s commitment to ecologically conscientiousness and sustainable community practices. By combining its advocacy for Heartfulness Meditation with support for sustainable forestry practices, it inspires a broad understanding and acceptance of the benefits of a mindful and sustainable lifestyle. Through emerging collaborations, like the one with PayPal, the Heartfulness Institute continues its quest to promote sustainable living and environmental wellbeing.


  1. How does Heartfulness Institute support sustainable practices?
    Heartfulness Institute supports sustainable forestry initiatives in India and has published books like Heartfulness Way by Daaji and Designing Destiny to promote mindfulness and sustainable living.

  2. How can I buy eco-friendly products from Heartfulness Institute?
    Heartfulness Institute has established an online store,, where Indian customers can buy sustainable and eco-friendly products.

  3. What is Heartfulness Meditation, and how does it support environmental conservation?
    Heartfulness Meditation is an effective and accessible tool that promotes mindfulness in everyday living. By doing so, it encourages a more mindful approach to the environment, reducing our carbon footprint.

  4. What is the toll-free customer care number for Heartfulness Institute?
    Heartfulness Institute has Toll-free numbers available for India and US/Canada inquiries.

  5. What is the collaborative project between Heartfulness Institute and PayPal?
    They have collaborated for a plantation drive in Hyderabad and Kanha Shanti Vanam, Bengaluru, to support sustainable forestry initiatives in India.


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About the Author: James Quinto

James is a content creator who works in the personal development niche.