Healing and Sleep Improvement Deep Sleep Hypnosis | Mindful Movement

Healing and Sleep Improvement Deep Sleep Hypnosis | Mindful Movement

If pain or discomfort has stopped you from experiencing healing and rejuvenation sleep, this deep sleep hypnosis can help. Start with calming somatic breathwork to ease you into relaxation. As you listen, you will feel your body letting go into sleep. By calming your nervous system and letting your body know that you are safe, the quality of your sleep will improve, and your recovery will be deeper. Wake up feeling refreshed and rejuvenated with this healing and restorative hypnosis recording.

Meditation written and read by Sara Raymond
Music Credit: Wandering in the Warmth by Christopher Lloyd Clarke Licensed by Enlightened Audio

Do not listen while driving. Meditation and mindful movement are powerful tools to support you. This is not a substitute for medical care. Consult a doctor or trusted health professional if needed.
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If pain or discomfort has stopped you From experiencing healing and Rejuvenating sleep this deep sleep Hypnosis can help Start with calming somatic breath work To ease you into relaxation As you listen you will feel your body Letting go into sleep By calming your nervous system and Letting your body know that you are safe The quality of your sleep will improve And your recovery will be deeper Wake up feeling refreshed and Rejuvenated with this healing and Restorative hypnosis recording Thank you for joining me on this journey I'm Sarah Raymond from the mindful Movement To begin I invite you to make yourself Comfortable Take a moment to settle into your bed For the night When you are ready close your eyes and Begin to turn your attention inward Let go of the day and be in the present Moment As your energy gradually slows And you come into Stillness Your mind too will slow down Take a long slow breath in Hold your breath for a moment and Connect with your heartbeat As you exhale let go of any tension in Your body

Do this again Take a long slow breath in Hold for a moment and notice your Heartbeat And breathe out Letting go Letting Go letting go As you continue to breathe Naturally Imagine all the tension leaving your Body Take a moment to enjoy the contrast of Any tightness That releases into relaxation Begin by tensing and relaxing the Muscles in your feet So as you inhale tense your feet and Hold With your exhale Release the tension And feel the relaxation spread through Your feet And up through the entire length of your Legs Do this now with your hands Tense and hold with your inhale Then relax and release with your exhale And feel the ease spread through your Hands And up to your arms Next move to your facial muscles Tense and hold as you inhale And then release as you exhale Feel the relaxation spread through your

Entire face and neck And finally focus on your entire body Tense and hold as you inhale And imagine a wave of relaxation washing Over you As you exhale And this leaves you feeling calm and Peaceful As your physical body continues to relax Your thinking mind Quiet And your nervous system is calm I will guide you into a breath pattern To allow you to continue letting go Towards sleep The pattern is four seven eight You will breathe in through your nose For a count of four Hold for a seven count And breathe out through your nose For an eight count I'll count the first one and you can Continue on your own for two more Minutes Breathe out completely to prepare Breathe in four Three Two one hold seven Six five four three two one breathe out Eight seven Six Five four three two one now continue on Your own Breathing in for four

Holding for seven Breathing out for eight Foreign Foreign As you complete this next cycle Let go of any effort Related to your breath As you continue to breathe easily and Relax My voice Can be your guide As you allow yourself to drift into a Peaceful sleep When your mind and body are ready With each natural An unrushed breath You are becoming more and more relaxed You begin to feel a sense of calm And peacefulness Spreading throughout your body Your mind is becoming quiet and still Allowing you to fully let go of any Thoughts or worries In fact As you relax even deeper You may allow yourself To let go of conscious listening And drift to sleep when you are ready There is no need to hear everything I am Saying Now that your physical body and mind are At rest Imagine a beautiful staircase in front Of you

See yourself Peacefully standing at the top of the Staircase And recognize that this staircase leads Down to a place Of complete relaxation and calm In a moment as I count you down from ten To one You will safely And slowly Go down the stairs leading you toward a Deep and healing sleep With each step you take down the Staircase You will feel your body becoming more And more relaxed Your muscles will feel loose and at ease And your mind will become peaceful and Serene As you let go further into sleep With each number You will feel yourself becoming more And more relaxed Ten As you begin to safely move down the Stairs You feel more and more at ease Nine You feel your muscles becoming loose and Soft Eight Feel your mind becoming peaceful and Serene Seven

Let go of any thoughts or distractions Six As you continue down the stairs in your Imagination Feel yourself sink deeper and deeper Into relaxation Five You feel calm and content For As you move closer to the bottom of the Stairs You feel at ease Three you begin to feel drowsy and Peaceful Two as you sense you are almost at the Bottom you feel yourself drifting into a Deep and peaceful rest And one You have reached the bottom of the Stairs you are now in a deep state of Relaxation As you reach the bottom of the staircase You find yourself in a beautiful Forest The air is warm and still And the sun is shining down on you You take in this amazing scene in front Of you And you know that this Forest has Powerful healing energy That will support your recovery as you Sleep With your feet on the forest floor you Feel the energy radiating Within you you feel grounded

As you continue to let go deeper into Effortless ease in your body Imagine yourself Walking through the beautiful Forest The trees are tall and Lush And the ground is covered In soft Moss As you walk through the forest You feel the energy of the Earth Coming up through your feet To feel grounded and calm You can hear the sound of a gentle Stream Flowing nearby The air is fresh and clean You come upon a clearing And you see a comfortable hammock Hanging between two trees You know you are safe here So you choose to lay down on the hammock You begin to feel the gentle swaying Motion And as you continue to relax here You feel The gentle swaying of the hammock And the soft sound of the Stream Lulling you into a deeper state of Relaxation As you continue to rest in the hammock You feel your body becoming even more Relaxed And your mind Is calm The swaying motion of the hammock

Is slowing down And becoming more gentle As you sway Gently in the hammock You feel all of your worries Drift Away Any physical stress Or discomfort Is melting away Listening to the sound of the Stream Relaxes you even more Foreign And you feel the warmth of the sun on Your face You continue to sway gently Feeling more and more at ease With each passing moment You notice that your breathing is Becoming slower And your body feels heavy And calm As you continue to drift deeper and Deeper Into a peaceful and restful sleep You imagine yourself surrounded by a Warm and comforting light This light is filled with healing energy And as you bathe it in You feel any tension or stress in your Body Is being released You imagine any pain or discomfort Is soothed And healed by this light You feel yourself

Being refreshed and rejuvenated As you move toward sleep You remind yourself that When you wake many hours later You will feel rested and energized in The morning You know That you will sleep soundly through the Night And you remind yourself that you can Sleep deeply and comfortably Allowing your body and mind To fully recharge As you continue to relax and drift Deeper And deeper into sleep You allow yourself to fully let go And Trust In the healing And restorative power of sleep Foreign That you are able to sleep well And wake up feeling refreshed and Energized As your physical body continues to Soften And your thinking mind slows down I will guide your subconscious with some Positive affirmative statements Of relaxation And true Wellness You can simply listen As my voice becomes your voice And you hear these statements

As your own beliefs I sleep soundly and wake up feeling Refreshed I choose to let go of any negative Thoughts or worries I am surrounded by healing energy My body and mind are able to fully relax And rejuvenate while I sleep I trust in my ability to sleep easily And wake up feeling energized I am grateful for the healing power of Sleep And its ability to improve my overall Well-being I am safe and protected My mind and body are at peace I am capable of handling any challenges That come my way I am empowered to make positive changes In my life Foreign I am worthy of good health and Well-being I am peaceful and calm I let go of stress and tension I am safe and secure I sleep deeply and wake up refreshed I am vibrantly healthy I am at ease I am surrounded by love and positivity I trust in my ability to handle whatever Challenges May Come I am grateful for this moment of peace And relaxation

I trust the Journey of my life and know That everything happens for my ultimate Good I am worthy of love happiness and Success My subconscious mind is open to positive Suggestions for my well-being I sleep soundly and wake up feeling Refreshed I choose to let go of any negative Thoughts or worries I am surrounded by healing energy My body and mind are able to fully relax And rejuvenate While I sleep I trust in my ability to sleep easily And wake up feeling energized I am grateful for the healing power of Sleep And its ability to improve my overall Well-being I am safe and protected My mind and body are at peace I am capable of handling any challenges That come my way I am empowered to make positive changes In my life I am worthy of good health and Well-being I am peaceful and calm I let go of stress and tension I am safe and secure I sleep deeply and wake up refreshed I am vibrantly healthy

I am at ease I am surrounded by love and positivity I trust in my ability to handle whatever Challenges May Come I am grateful for this moment of peace And relaxation I trust the Journey of my life and know That everything happens for my ultimate Good I am worthy of love happiness and Success My subconscious mind is open to positive Suggestions for my well-being I sleep soundly and wake up feeling Refreshed I choose to let go of any negative Thoughts or worries I am surrounded by healing energy My body and mind are able to fully relax And rejuvenate while I sleep I trust in my ability to sleep easily And wake up feeling energized I am grateful for the healing power of Sleep And its ability to improve my overall Well-being I am safe and protected My mind and body are at peace I am capable of handling any challenges That come my way I am empowered to make positive changes In my life Foreign I am worthy of good health and

Well-being I am peaceful and calm I let go of stress and tension Safe and secure I sleep deeply and wake up refreshed I am vibrantly healthy I am at ease I am surrounded by love and positivity I trust in my ability to handle whatever Challenges May Come I am grateful for this moment of peace And relaxation I trust the Journey of my life and know That everything happens for my ultimate Good Foreign I am worthy of love happiness and Success My subconscious mind is open to positive Suggestions for my well-being Allow these powerful words to sink into Your subconscious As you sleep deeply for the night And now you have prepared your mind and Body For a deep and restful night's sleep You have planted the seeds of your Immense health and well-being These ideas will strengthen while you Sleep You have let go of any tension or pain To be completely relaxed and at ease As you drift into Serene peaceful rest My voice will gradually disappear

And you will be deeply asleep There is an inviting sense of inner Peace And ease Flowing through your body You are ready to rest Your body and mind for the night You know that you awake many hours later Feeling refreshed And rejuvenated Ready to take on whatever the day may Bring With ease And gratitude You drift off into a deep peaceful sleep Now Good night And sweet dreams my friend Foreign Foreign Foreign Foreign Foreign Foreign Foreign Foreign Foreign Foreign Foreign Foreign Foreign Foreign Foreign Foreign

Foreign Foreign Foreign Foreign Foreign Foreign Foreign Foreign Foreign Foreign Foreign Foreign


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About the Author: James Quinto

James is a content creator who works in the personal development niche.