How to deal with criticism? | Techniques to control anger

How to deal with criticism? | Techniques to control anger

Are you tired of feeling defensive or angry when faced with criticism? Do you find yourself struggling to control your emotions in these situations? Learning how to effectively deal with criticism and manage your anger can greatly improve your personal and professional relationships. In this post, we’ll cover some helpful techniques and tips to help you stay calm, confident, and in control when faced with criticism. Let’s dive in!


Criticism is a part of life, and everyone has to face it at some point. It can be difficult to receive criticism gracefully, but taking the high road can help you use it as an opportunity for growth. Anger can often accompany receiving criticism, but there are techniques to control it. In this article, we will explore effective ways to deal with criticism and control anger.

Techniques to Deal with Criticism:

  1. Listen actively and stay calm
    when someone criticizes you, it’s important to listen to them actively. Instead of getting defensive or interrupting them, take time to understand their perspective. Try to stay calm, and avoid reacting emotionally.

  2. Ask for specifics
    Ask the person who is criticizing to provide specific details or examples. This can help you understand the criticism better and figure out how to address it.

  3. Take it as an opportunity to learn
    Constructive criticism can help you grow and improve. Instead of getting defensive or angry, try to view it as a learning opportunity. Think about how you can use the feedback to make changes or improvements.

  4. Don’t take it personally
    Remember that the criticism is directed at your behavior or actions, not at you as a person. Try not to take it personally, and focus on the constructive aspects of the criticism.

  5. Don’t be hard on yourself
    It’s common to feel disappointed or upset when receiving criticism, particularly if it’s negative. However, it’s important to avoid being hard on yourself. Remember that everyone makes mistakes, and there’s always room for growth and improvement.

Techniques to Control Anger:

  1. Take deep breaths
    Deep breathing can help reduce stress and calm your mind. When feeling angry, try to take a few slow, deep breaths before responding to the criticism. This can help you respond more thoughtfully and calmly.

  2. Practice mindfulness
    Mindfulness involves focusing on the present moment without judgment. Practicing mindfulness can help you stay calm and centered when receiving criticism by reducing automatic reactions.

  3. Take a break
    If you’re feeling overwhelmed by anger, take a break. Take some time for self-care and relaxation, or seek support from a trusted friend or family member.

  4. Reframe the situation
    Try to reframe the situation in a positive light. Rather than seeing the criticism as an attack, think of it as an opportunity for growth and self-improvement.

  5. Seek professional help
    If you’re struggling with managing your anger, consider seeking professional help. A therapist or counselor can help you develop effective coping strategies and manage anger in a healthy way.


Criticism is a difficult thing to deal with, but it’s important to learn how to handle it constructively. Taking the high road can help us grow and improve, and using techniques to control anger can help us avoid reacting in harmful ways. Remember to stay calm, listen actively and view criticism as an opportunity for growth.

Frequently Asked Questions:

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  • James Quinto

    James is a content creator who works in the personal development niche. Quinto James

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About the Author: James Quinto

James is a content creator who works in the personal development niche.