Safely Connect with your Body Somatic Meditation | Mindful Movement

Safely Connect with your Body Somatic Meditation | Mindful Movement

If you have experienced chronic pain or past trauma, your body may not feel like a safe place to be, whether you recognize this consciously or not. A pattern of not connecting with or recognizing your physical state may have been adopted to keep you safe by avoiding any discomfort or pain. The body has immense inner wisdom that can gradually be reconnected to, with the help of healing practices such as meditation.

This somatic meditation is designed to help you safely begin to feel the sensations and messages of your body. Take it slowly when first using this practice, do only what feels safe, and seek out the support of a loved one or trusted professional if needed.

Meditation written and read by Sara Raymond
Music Credit: Distant Dreams by Zen Royalty Free Music @jasonstephensonmeditation

Do not listen while driving. Meditation and mindful movement are powerful tools to support you. This is not a substitute for medical care. Consult a doctor or trusted health professional if needed.
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If you have experienced chronic pain or Past trauma Your body may not feel like a safe place To be whether you recognize this Consciously or not Pattern of not connecting with or Recognizing your physical state may have Been adopted to keep you safe By avoiding any discomfort or pain the Body has immense inner wisdom that can Gradually be reconnected to With the help of healing practices such As meditation This somatic meditation is designed to Help you safely begin to feel the Sensations and messages of your body Take it slowly when first using this Practice do only what feels safe And seek out the support of a loved one Or trusted professional if needed I wish You ease and safety in your body with This reconnection process I'm Sarah Raymond from the mindful Movement and to begin I invite you to make yourself Comfortable Find a quiet place to sit or lie down Take a few deep breaths And allow yourself to settle into the Present moment There's no rush to relax completely just Yet Allow this process to happen as you are Ready

Have patience for the process And acceptance of your current state of Being for now You'll get to the relaxed State you Desire when you are ready It is important to offer patience Trust And to seek safety throughout this Process Now gradually move your attention to Your breath Focus on the sensations of your breath Moving in and out of your body [Music] You may follow the path the air takes In through your nose Down the back of your throat Into your lungs And out in reverse Allow yourself to gradually sink into The Rhythm Of your breath [Music] And this will allow you to let go of any Other Focus or thoughts Now I invite you to start to become Aware of your body By noticing where your attention is Drawn first What are you noticing now What are the sensations you are aware of First [Music] There is no right or wrong answer

This is simply a practice of building Awareness Of your body safely Let your attention linger here for a Moment Noticing all you can Is there a Feeling A color Or a texture In the place where your attention is Drawn Is there a message that this sensation Wants you to know Foreign You can ask And allow any information to rise to the Surface In an organic way for you No need to try hard Or Force the experience Your body has so much wisdom When you slow down And turn your attention inward As you continue to focus on your body Try to keep a sense of openness And acceptance Remember that it's okay to have tension Or discomfort in your body And that it's a natural part of the Healing process Now begin to let your awareness wander Through each part of your body [Music] Noticing any area that either feels good

Or there is simply a lack of discomfort [Music] As you do this try to keep a Non-judgmental and curious attitude Where do you sense a good feeling in Your body now Be with this positive sensation Be with the lack of discomfort No matter how big or small the area Recognize that you are safe here Your mind wouldn't be able to focus in This way if you weren't As you continue to focus on your body And the sensations you notice Imagine a warm healing light Flowing through your body With the rhythm of your breath Allow this light to nourish and heal Any areas of tension or discomfort This light With the wisdom of your body Knows exactly what you need And where to offer healing Few become aware of an area of tension Or discomfort Take a deep breath And allow yourself to soften And release Any tension in that area You can also visualize the warm healing Light Flowing through this area of your body Take a deep breath And allow yourself to acknowledge any

Pain or discomfort Cultivate a sense of compassion And self-love Imagine this warm soothing light Surrounding you Providing you with comfort and support Foreign Yourself to sink into this feeling of Comfort Spend a moment longer with the soothing Comfort of the light's energy Your attention and your breath Are here to support your body Any way you need Your body guide you Tell you what it needs Take another long slow breath in And let it all go Once more Long slow breath in And out fully Take your time there is no rush When you feel ready Slowly open your eyes Take as long as you need to reintegrate Into a full awareness Notice any changes in your body and mind Give yourself some gratitude for taking This time To care for yourself Remember that healing and connecting to Your body takes time and patience And it's important to be kind and gentle With yourself as you work through this

Process If you found value in this process I Have put together a whole playlist of Somatic practices To bring you safely back to your body Save this playlist for your next Meditation and seek support from a Professional if needed


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About the Author: James Quinto

James is a content creator who works in the personal development niche.