Meditation Movement For Relaxation and Calmness

In addition to a meditation practice, a movement exercise can also help you to achieve relaxation and calmness. When you engage in a movement exercise, you focus on your body and sensations... Read more »

The Paradox Of Meditation & Holding Everything Gently

At the heart of meditation practice, there’s a compelling koan. A paradox that creates positive tension inside of us. In the simplest terms, it’s this. Discovering That Nothing Is Wrong When you... Read more »

How to Meditate in Silence

Having a consistent meditation practice is a great way to relax your body, reduce stress and improve your overall health. However, it’s important to remember that meditation is not easy. You have... Read more »

Anapanasati – The Four Foundations of Mindfulness

Anapanasati is a meditation practice that focuses attention on the sensations of in and out-breathing. It is a fundamental part of mindfulness and has many benefits. Learn how to practice it for... Read more »

Meditation in the Outdoors

Whether you’re looking for a meditation practice or just a quiet place to reflect, you’ll find that meditation outdoors can be a great way to reconnect with nature and with yourself. This... Read more »

Walking As Meditation

Getting up and moving around as part of your meditation practice can be a great way to help you get your body moving, and to help you get a great deal of... Read more »