Best Meditation Guide For Beginners – The Easiest Way to Learn Meditation

For beginners, learning the art of meditation can be challenging. The mind tends to wander and thoughts may not be focused. If this sounds like you, you may be wondering what the... Read more »

The Art of Focus by Amishi Jha

In The Art of Focus, Dr. Amishi Jha shows listeners how to focus without struggle and maintain peak performance. As the top complaint of meditators and all of us, distraction is a... Read more »

OM105 – Mindset, Meditation, and Flow States with Vedran Peric

Show Notes Leap X Consulting The Flow Research Collective The Art of Impossible by Steven Kotler Stealing Fire by Steven Kotler The Rise of Superman by Steven Kotler The post OM105 –... Read more »

The Art of Mindfulness Reading

Whether you’re a voracious reader or a skeptic, the art of mindfulness reading is not confined to any particular genre. While reading a book, try sitting for a few moments before or... Read more »