Lots of White Powder in Las Vegas

Lots of White Powder in Las Vegas

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Bre & Flo


Breathe and Flow is a travel, yoga and lifestyle channel owned by Bre and Flo Niedhammer. Knowing that the body benefits from movement while the mind benefits from stillness, we share our philosophy of mental stillness through the fluidity of a strong practice. Bre and Flo are Registered Yoga Teachers (RYT) with Yoga Alliance® holding the highest certifications as E-RYT500, and are also Yoga Alliance Continuing Education Providers (YACEP). Combined they are trained in Vinyasa yoga, Hatha yoga, Yin yoga, Myofascial Release (MFR), Reiki, pre- and postnatal yoga, Functional Movement Screen (FMS) Level 1 and 2, Animal Flow, Kinstretch, Functional Range Conditioning (FRC) mobility training, Functional Range Assessment (FRA) and structural bodywork (Anatomy Trains). Bre and Flo have taught at several premium yoga studios for many years and are teaching their teacher trainings, retreats, workshops and at festivals around the world. They currently live in Las Vegas, Nevada. Learn more about them and their certifications on their website:

All content on our channel is subject to copyright or other intellectual property ownership by Breathe and Flow LLC. The ideas, classes, tutorials, exercises, workouts and other opinions expressed here reflect our experiences and opinions and are not intended to be, or to replace, medical advice. We do not hold ourselves out to be dietitians, nutritionists or medical professionals. Please consult your doctor before starting any diet or exercise program. By using our site, and by watching our content, you understand and agree that neither Breathe and Flow nor any persons associated with it have any liability to you for any injury or loss you may suffer in connection with any content we may post. Some of the links used above are affiliate links through which Breathe and Flow earns a commission when products are bought using these links. We have no patience for internet trolls and negative unconstructive comments. Users that leave such comments will be blocked from the channel forever.

#breatheandflow #yoga #yogawithbnf

One marshmallow ready to go he's like For what what is this [Applause] [Music] What a service ready [Music] [Applause] I was born ready Let's do it into the snow we go [Music] [Applause] We left Las Vegas in The Shining Sun Just like Back there And now we are Still in Las Vegas But it looks different And yes I'm making a fist in my hands And we're here today to show ILO the Snow for the first time but you can see From here this ski lift and people are Skiing wonderful just 30 minutes away From Las Vegas what is there not to love About this place [Music] Nice and brisk a good reminder that We're alive Dropping knowledge bombs and then just Walking away in the snow Badass Bree speaking of badass used to Organize badass backpacking trip My girlfriend Michelle and I would Always

Huge backpacking trip with like 15 women It was so amazing So I might bring it back But depends on how long I can go without Snuggling with my baby ILO it's true and Of course seeing you flow but you know It's the baby it's fine everyone's not Asking only about the baby And you know it's cold when your face is Starting to freeze and your beard from Breathing out through the nose and then It's also cool for baby ILO especially Now with the coat like this maybe an Hour for him and then he wants to warm Up because he's also not moving he's Just sitting in there kind of looking Around right ILO Since ILO is teething he's drooling a Lot so now the drool is starting to Freeze on his chin so This might be a quick Snowshoe trip but I was hanging in there he's doing great [Music] Baby I know do you want to do a snow Angel with me [Laughter] Okay and Okay What are they doing with me [Music] This is a little baby one And a mama one [Music]

This is actually our third attempt to Get ILO out in the snow and playing in It the first time was in Montana and yes There was a ton of snow but it was way Too cold outside I think the coldest When we were there was negative 47 Negative 47 Fahrenheit Way too cold to be outside although we Still did do some cold exposure outside Some breath work and some meditation my Mom even joined it was amazing out in The cold but not good for the baby So last week was our second attempt to Get ILO out in the snow But every time we took him outside and Put him in the carrier he was just too Cozy and he would just fall asleep so he Slept through our entire week until with Our good friends Michelle and Alex they Took us on these Amazing Outdoor Adventures and Isla just passed out Every time Yeah And today is the third attempt and Mission success he stayed awake Stayed awake he's still not totally sure What this stuff is Huh He just knows it's cold Yeah okay All right let's bundle you back up and We check it out [Music] Thank you

This hill looks too Steep and too fun to Not summer salt down so I'm gonna give It a try [Applause] [Music] [Music] Thank you foreign [Music]


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About the Author: James Quinto

James is a content creator who works in the personal development niche.