Uplifting Morning Vinyasa Yoga for Energy and Strength

Uplifting Morning Vinyasa Yoga for Energy and Strength

This is an uplifting and energizing morning vinyasa yoga practice for all levels taught by Bre.
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00:00 Overview
01:00 Practice

Lightmuzik – Feel You – Instrumental Version
We get our music from Epidemic Sound:

Love and Gratitude,
Bre & Flo


Breathe and Flow is a travel, yoga and lifestyle channel owned by Bre and Flo Niedhammer. Knowing that the body benefits from movement while the mind benefits from stillness, we share our philosophy of mental stillness through the fluidity of a strong practice. Bre and Flo are Registered Yoga Teachers (RYT) with Yoga Alliance® holding the highest certifications as E-RYT500, and are also Yoga Alliance Continuing Education Providers (YACEP). They are trained in vinyasa yoga, hatha yoga, yin yoga, myofascial release therapy, reiki, pre- and postnatal yoga and are certified in Functional Movement Screen (FMS) Level 1 and 2, Animal Flow as well as certified Functional Range Conditioning (FRC) Mobility Specialists. Bre and Flo have taught at several premium yoga studios for many years and are teaching their teacher trainings, retreats, workshops and at festivals around the world. They currently live in Las Vegas, Nevada. Learn more about them and their certifications on their website:

All content on our channel is subject to copyright or other intellectual property ownership by Breathe and Flow LLC. The ideas, classes, tutorials, exercises, workouts and other opinions expressed here reflect our experiences and opinions and are not intended to be, or to replace, medical advice. We do not hold ourselves out to be dietitians, nutritionists or medical professionals. Please consult your doctor before starting any diet or exercise program. By using our site, and by watching our content, you understand and agree that neither Breathe and Flow nor any persons associated with it have any liability to you for any injury or loss you may suffer in connection with any content we may post. Some of the links used above are affiliate links through which Breathe and Flow earns a commission when products are bought using these links. We have no patience for internet trolls and negative unconstructive comments. Users that leave such comments will be blocked from the channel forever.

#breatheandflow #yoga #yogawithbnf

Foreign Good morning Yogi welcome to a new day Today's class is going to be an Uplifting and energizing morning flow You don't need any props today and this Will be a pretty Zippy quick practice so If you're feeling stiff or sleepy then This is the perfect practice for you to Jump in and start your day right today's Class will still be a full body practice But if you're interested in doing the Extended version of this class which is About an hour long then check the Description below and head over to our Pay Channel where we have dozens and Dozens of videos that are no less than One hour we also have meditations our Handstand program and a lot of other Things that are awesome and part of our Exclusive Community when you're ready to Begin we will start in a comfortable Seat Foreign Rest your hands on your lap Soften the Gaze or you could even close The eyes Take a deep breath in fill the lungs all The way up sit nice and tall Keep the lip sealed exhale through the Nose Relax and soften the shoulders down away From the ears Take a few more deep breaths like this Continue with those slow deep breaths

Start to Blink Open the Eyes come into a Tabletop position Wrists are under the shoulders the knees Are under the hips it can stay on the Tops of the feet Inhale let the belly sink down gaze Forward And exhale round the back tuck the chin To the chest and push the ground away Let's do a few more on your own Start to connect your breath with your Movements Back to neutral spine tuck the toes Under lift the knees hips to the sky Downward dog Pedal out your legs Say hello good morning to those Hamstrings those calves Hips the shoulders the chest wake it all Up Lift the heels and bend the knees walk To the top of the mat Inhale here hands to The Shins lengthen The spine And exhale forward fold Interlace the hands behind the back send Them up over your head Option to bend one knee And then bend the other Continue to let your head hang heavy Release the hands keep a little Bend in The knees come all the way up to Standing Reach your arms up over your head

Interlace the hands above the head flip The hands and send the palms of the Hands up towards the sky Keep the arms straight bring the feet Together side bend over to the right Send the hips off to the left and really Reach with the wrists Send them away from the body Feel that opening in the whole left side Body Inhale back up to standing and switch Side bend over to the left three breaths Here Inhale back up to standing step the feet Hip distance apart exhale chair pose Sink the hips down lift the chest up And send all the energy out the Fingertips Straighten the legs forward fold Inhale to lift Exhale step the left foot to the back of The mat low lunge Bring the right bring the hands on top Of the right knee and send the hips Forward and down Release half splits start to straighten The right leg Option to tuck the left toes under sit Back on the left heel so you can stretch Out the bottom of the left foot as well As the whole back side of the right leg Three breaths here Re-bend the right knee Pivot both feet over to the left

Prasarita standing forward straddle fold Let the head hang heavy And just go easy here You're probably still pretty stiff from Your sleep So maybe don't take it as deep as you Usually do you're just waking the body Up Going nice and easy into the day Press into your hands start to lift the Chest up bring the feet closer together And rise up for goddess pose Bring both of your arms up over your Head Straighten the arms sit the hips a Little lower Tuck the tailbone under to reduce any Deep back bend Last Breath here Exhale spider lunge to the left Straighten the right leg Move towards the front of the mat for Tree pose on the right foot Foreign Palms together hands at the heart Nice and steady If you feel a little wobbly All good it's early morning I get it But if you need to bend the right knee Just a little bit That can help create a little bit more Stability Release bring the left knee up to the

Chest Hold on to the outside of the left knee And reach your left arm behind you For a standing twist Inhale both arms to the sky keep the leg Where it's at And exhale chair pose both feet down hip Distance apart Exhale straighten the legs forward fold Inhale halfway lift And exhale step the feet back high plank Forward come up high on the toes and Then lower down to a count of five four All the way to the belly three Two and one Bring your hands off the mat tend to Your fingers And then inhale lift the chest gently Press into the fingertips Engage The Glutes and lower down Let's go for two more inhale lift Exhale lower Inhale lift Exhale lower Through high plank or child's pose we're Going to meet in downward dog Lift the heels bend the knees Walk to the top of the mat Inhale to lift and lengthen Exhale to fold Inhale all the way to standing Reach the arms up over the head Interlace the hands send the palms of The hands up to the sky

Bring the feet together this time we'll Side Bend to the left first So start to send your hands over to the Left side The hips start to reach over to the Right Foreign Back up through Center and send the Hands over to the right the hips to the Left Each inhale you're reaching the hands Farther away from the body Sending the hips off to the left Inhale back up to standing step the feet Hip distance apart and exhale forward Fold Inhale to lift exhale step the right Foot to the back of the mat low lunge Bring both of your hands on top of your Left thigh send the hips forward and Down Continue with those slow deep breaths Release half splits Option to tuck the right toes under and Sit back on the right heel Foreign The left knee lift yourself up pivot Both feet to the right prasarita Begin to lift the chest up parallel to The ground Heel toe the feet in a few inches and Then rise up strong for goddess pose Arms again reach up over your head Sit the hips low lift the chest High

Three breaths here Option to sway left and right Really feel that Heat starting to build Setting yourself up for a strong Powerful and present day Release spider lunge to the right Towards the front of the mat for tree Pose on the left foot Release the right foot bring it up to The chest grab on to the outside of the Right leg with the left hand and extend Your right arm back Standing and twist Release both arms up to the sky And exhale chair pose Last one You can do it Again option to lift the heels And follow along if you'd like to set The hips down take a squat try to stay On the balls of the feet and then again Lift back up chair let's do two more Lower down Lift it up Lower down Lift it up Set the heels down if you had them Lifted all together forward fold Inhale lengthen And exhale place the hands step the feet Back high plank So really push into your arms get your Chest as far away from the mat as you Can tuck the tailbone under we're going

To do some hip dips so bring the hips Over to the left And then over to the right keep the arms Straight Back over to the left To the right Let's go for three Two And one Back up to high plank keep the arms Straight and we'll do five scapular Push-ups So keep the core engaged start to lower The chest down bring the shoulder blades Together on your back and then push the Ground away Lower down Press it up just three more lower down Press it up Two And one Shift forward high on the toes lower it All the way down to the ground Reach your hands behind you interlace The hands And inhale for Locust pose So the legs lift off the chest lifts off You're activating everything on the back Line of the body Last three Two And one release Bring the hands underneath the shoulders Send the hips back to the heels for

Balasana child's pose Start to slow down the breath Option to stay here with your hands Forward or you can bring the Palms Together Bring the hands behind the head And release start to lift the chest up Make your way into Thunderbolts Just bring the knees together Sit on the heels we'll just be here for About one minute to close down our Practice So you can place your hands on your Thighs Option again to have Relaxed gaze or you could even close Your eyes Put all of your attention on your breath Take a moment to reflect Check in with yourself Notice any subtle differences in the Body In the mind In the spirit Bring the Palms together hands at the Heart Thank yourself for showing up today For starting your day off By taking care of your health Both physically and mentally and Emotionally So important So now you can go on with your day And giving that love that you've created

For yourself So that you can share it with everyone Else you encounter Thank you so much for joining me this Morning on the mat I'll see you again for practice tomorrow Namaste


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About the Author: James Quinto

James is a content creator who works in the personal development niche.