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If that sounds interesting to you, check out wisdom2summit.com/together

It's all about attention and where we Spend our attention and our attention Has been hijacked and it's primarily Been hijacked by advertising driven Business models that are not driven to Make us more wise when men and women Were asked to be alone with their Thoughts for 15 minutes Or choose an electric shock 60 of men Chose an electric shock And 30 percent of women chose an Electric shock so do you want to be Alone with our thoughts for 15 minutes I Thought strength was strength I didn't Know that vulnerability is strength I Didn't know that crying is strong like Being brave is is crying and letting People see you learning to sit quietly And collect oneself and search inside Yourself doesn't belong to any one group Of people it is part of the human Experience


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About the Author: James Quinto

James is a content creator who works in the personal development niche.